You might want to check out a book called The Accounting Game: (Kindle version). It really builds things from the ground up, and assumes you know nothing about accounting. It is one of the first books I read on accounting before I started at WGU.
Basic accounting from a lemonade stand really helps you get a basics understanding of accounting which is the language of business and makes the rest al lot easier.
I understand what you're going through. In Intermediate 1, there will be topics that you've learned in Intro to Financial Accounting, but they will be more in-depth of it.
All I can say is, read the textbook, write notes from what you've learned in the textbook, come to class every day to take lecture notes that your professor will cover (depending how good your professor is), and watch videos on YouTube that cover topics in Intermediate 1. Depending on the professor, you can also ask him for help on a problem or a confusing topic of the class.
I recommend Edspira on YouTube, because if you have any confusion on a topic in Intermediate 1 (like revenue recognition), chances are, Edspira has a video on it. Here's his channel:
You can also look up other videos that will help you understand confusing topics, too.
All of this will help you pass the class. Also take mental breaks; take naps, do a quick 5-min break while you're studying, and/or do other hobbies. Don't feel overwhelmed.
I once heard my adviser explain that Intermediate 1 is a make-it-or-break-it class for accounting majors--she wasn't kidding around. I barely passed that class with a C if it wasn't for the textbook and videos on YouTube, as well as taking mental breaks.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: If you need to refresh your memory on the foundations of accounting (such as your Intro to Financial Accounting class), I recommend getting this book. This book simplifies the principles of accounting with an example of a lemonade stand: