YTA - If a 6 year old, A SIX YEAR OLD can comprehend that she needs to stay somewhere else because she doesn't feel comfortable ..... you really need to open your eyes & get some help. Your projecting unnecessary trauma onto your daughter.
Your anger is not her responsibility to manage. She's 6.
I have a 7 year old who has ADHD & ODD. I used to be just like you .. till I got help. It's normal to get frustrated, but it's NOT OK to show outward displays of rage like that. You are teaching your kid how to respond to stress & your not setting a very good example. Not trying to shame you, but you really need to look into some self help books, therapy or medication. There's nothing wrong with needing help, but when you know you need help and choose not to do anything about it, your an AH. Your post is filled with excuses, take some accountability. This book is REALLY REALLY helpful.
Please help yourself so you can be the best version of yourself for your kid & family.