So, to answer your questions; No I don't hit the bottom. I use a travel coffee cup as my water contained which is quite deep, and I tend to either rotate around the cup or swish it back and forth in the water. With the paper towel, it's usually a light touch - I hold the paper towel in one hand between two fingers and drag the brush through them, although it's usually fairly light. I might try a bit more pressure if I notice a stubborn bit of paint still stuck in there.
Size-wise.. I don't know. I use different sizes, but most of them don't state a size. I typically stick to your standard miniatures and use things like the brushes from this set. I also own a couple from here, namely "the psycho" and the "masterclass brush". I own a few more, but those are the ones I primarily use.
I want to get some Raphael 2404 (?), but they seem sold out everywhere, or overly priced. I've also bought a couple of brushes from this website, such as the Winsor and Newton one that I own. If you could link me what brushes you'd recommend that would be great.
But yeah, because most of what I own is army painter or DnD-themed, they tend to state like "basecoat" instead of an actual size.
Since this is a fairly large model in comparison to the normal 28mm ones I usually paint for characters, I used bigger brushes I had laying around from my days in art school. I get all my brushes from and started with buying this set of large brushes
I wont be very helpful here because when it comes to the smaller models, I tend to use the same small 5 detail brushes. The dry brush in this set works wonders. The small detail brush is satisfactory. I bet you can find better ones with other peoples recommendations though.
>With resin mini's you don't even need a primer.
Oh really? Though to be fair I did notice that the primer seemed to make some details pop out a bit more, and it's a nicer colour than my printed colour.
Are you saying both brush sets I've bought aren't great? I think the second set looks similar to the picture you linked, but I could be wrong. I had heard of the army painter ones, but stocking is a problem everywhere at the moment it seems. I was able to find this set on Amazon, but it's only the 3 brushes.
I've started on the Orc today and here is my current WIP. I'm thinking I still need a bit more water to lighten the tone more? (Obviously too late now, but for the next Orc I do?)
For the Orc Panther, I bought this which is a couple of modular Orcs + the Panther Orc. Alternatively, there is this where it's on its own.
No worries feel free to ask.
You in no way need a $50 set of brushes. Any acrylic paint brush set should work, you can find plenty on Amazon for <$20. I use the Masters Touch brushes from Hobby Lobby you can usually find on sale for about $3-4/brush. Amy Painter has starter sets for ~$11-20 while you can get some cheaper sets as well.
Army Painter(and Vellejo) all have starter sets but you're not really saving that much buying them. Army painter and Vellejo Game color pots are ~$3/bottle, if you're buying one of their sets like the one linked you're still paying that price the only difference is that you're getting a free brush with that. However the down side is that you'll be getting colors that you won't be using. Lets say you take the absolute bare minimum to paint your clones force, grab Army Painter or Vellojo White, black, wolf grey paints and a bottle soft tone wash, that runs you ~$12 at your FLGS or miniature market. For another $9 grab a brown, blue and skin tone to paint Obi-wan. Add in another color for your legion if you don't want plain white clones, and a basic paint brush set like one linked above, and you've got all the paint you need for a basic paint job for about $35.
You can even do the method I originally described for about the same cost, $12 in paintbrushes, $3 1x pot wolf grey for brush on priming, $7.80 apothecary white , $3 1x pot pure white for drybrushing, $3 for your legion color, and $5 for the micron pen; for a total of $33.80.