Welcome! Take your time and don’t get frustrated and you will love the hobby!!
One suggestion. When you can snag this https://www.amazon.com/Army-Painter-Miniature-Masterclass-Kolinsky/dp/B00HC8H4EI/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=army+painter+brush+set&qid=1614259506&sprefix=army+painter+brush&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=AU2FNATHSFHNB&a...
It will make your life easier and the brushes are fantastic! Oh and look into a wet pallet after you do a few minis, will change your life.
So far I have found this online: https://www.amazon.com/Hobby-Starter-Mega-Brush-Set/dp/B00HC8H4EI/ref=sr_1_4?s=toys-and-games&srs=7513501011&ie=UTF8&qid=1482729498&sr=1-4
If so, I can get these now in the process now and get Tamiya Plastic Cement 20ml. Just need to get clippers next, I don't think there is much a difference along with a hobby knife to shave down plastic layout.
I use this 10 pack from Army Painter. They are good quality and give you all the sizes you could want as a beginner (in my beginner opinion).
If you didn't want to spend that much, this three pack will get you most of what you need, it may just take a bit longer if you have to use a smaller brush because you have less options.
Those sets actually look really awesome and right in the price range I was willing to spend. Might grab both! Thanks for the recommendation.
For brushes I saw army painter has this set it looks like it has the brushes you recommend and then some. Have you found the bristles of these brushes stay together well? I know on small brushes you will always have some minor separation because of their size.
Also what do you use to clean your brushes? I figured id pick some of this Master Brush Cleaner while i'm at it.