Thank you for taking the time to share all of this info. Really helpful. Another thing that really helps is to understand that this is a mechanical issue which usually results from the ribs being locked up where they attach to the spine in the back, forcing the rib hinges on the front, where they attach to the sternum to be overworked, causing inflammation. Over time the ribs in the back build up collagen deposits which further lock them in place. Like you mentioned with the lacrosse ball, you have to work that collagen in the back and stretch it out. The best thing I’ve used is the Backpod. You lay down on it and it will gradually stretch out that collagen. Here is a link for it on Amazon:
I understand that it can be too pricey for some, but I really think it can help in addition to all the other tips the OP mentioned. I want to help if anyone is unable to afford it. If you can’t afford it, you can message me and I will purchase one for you. Unfortunately I can’t send one to everyone, but hopefully I can help a few people.
Good luck to everyone dealing with this. I really hope you are able to find some relief.
I bought a product called the Backpod about a year ago to help stretch out my upper back. It works very well for that and it's also used to treat costochondritis (it has a very well written manual that comes with it that details treatments for different back/rib/posture related issues including that). I've found it to be very effective for my upper back, hopefully you'll find it effective for your issues. I bought mine off Amazon.
I would look into Costochindritis and see if you relate to the symptoms. Poor posture is believed to be the main cause. I found that sleeping on my back instead of my side, and buying a cheap foam roller helped. Put the foam roller in your mid back, and try and get some mobility and extension the the rib cage. There is cartilage in your ribs, and if yoy are hunched forward this puts pressure on it and caused irritation. They even have devices specifically made for this issue.
It takes a while to go away, NSAIDS may help. Hopefully a doctor responds on here, because I am by no means an expert, just someone who has costchondritis and experiences chest pain on the left side when I excersise.
get this backpod from amazon:
It's pricey at $70 but sooo worth it. You lay on top of it and it literally stretches out your ribs. You should feel instant relief and you'll know it'll work. But you do it every day for a few minutes maybe a few times a day if you can. Your ribs are so stiff and sore from being inflamed and laying on the backpod stretches the ribs in a way nothing else can. Hard for me to explain how your ribs need to be stretched but this article goes in depth:
and if you go on youtube and search costochondritis you will find a bunch of videos of physical therapists explaining the mechanics behind the pain which helps you to treat it if you just understand what's happening.
also, another stretch I would do is place each hand on a doorway higher than my shoulders and lean forward. Kinda like you're standing up and doing a push up in reverse while holding the sides of the door frame. Explained here:
get this backpod from amazon: It's pricey at $70 but sooo worth it. You lay on top of it and it literally stretches out your ribs. You should feel instant relief and you'll know it'll work. But you do it every day for a few minutes maybe a few times a day if you can. Your ribs are so stiff and sore from being inflamed and laying on the backpod stretches the ribs in a way nothing else can. Hard for me to explain how your ribs need to be stretched but this article goes in depth: and if you go on youtube and search costochondritis you will find a bunch of videos of physical therapists explaining the mechanics behind the pain which helps you to treat it if you just understand what's happening. also, another stretch I would do is place each hand on a doorway higher than my shoulders and lean forward. Kinda like you're standing up and doing a push up in reverse while holding the sides of the door frame. Explained here:
get this backpod from amazon:
It's pricey at $70 but sooo worth it. You lay on top of it and it literally stretches out your ribs. You should feel instant relief and you'll know it'll work. But you do it every day for a few minutes maybe a few times a day if you can. Your ribs are so stiff and sore from being inflamed and laying on the backpod stretches the ribs in a way nothing else can. Hard for me to explain how your ribs need to be stretched but this article goes in depth:
and if you go on youtube and search costochondritis you will find a bunch of videos of physical therapists explaining the mechanics behind the pain which helps you to treat it if you just understand what's happening.\_query=costochondritis+treatment
Yep. Getting a back pod has helped me tons
My friend, is this the one you refer to? Thank you in advance ☺!
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Backpod (Authentic Original) - Premium Treatment… | $68.87 | $68.87 | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
I use this, but a tennis ball in a sock would work fine. I just find I'm more likely to stay with it if I've spent money on it...
I reckon so, this is the cheapest I’ve found
Ahhh, I used to have costochondritis for years.
Use a foam roller consistently and a back-pod
Watch this video as well
Highly recommend the back pod on amazon. Using it 1-2x a day helps a ton.
I had costo for a while, took almost an entire year to get rid of. Nonetheless the back pod helped a ton.
Thank you for the info on caffeine. I've noticed that my pain flares up whenever I drink coffee.
I'll definitely have to take the L-theanine because I do not want to give up coffee.
I have been recently diagnosed with costrochondritis and it's only been two months but the daily pain has been exacerbating.It's been causing me severe anxiety.
I can't imagine what a year or even 6 years would feel like with this condition. I am sorry to you both and wish you well.
I found this youtube video and maybe this will be of some help to you both. Plus see the back pod product they suggest will help.
Honestly, please look into it yourselves before making any decision. I am not a licensed anything and I haven't been able to look it up thoroughly yet myself.
But in my desperation, I've already ordered the back pod product. The reviews sounded very reassuring.
I will try to update on the product once I get it in by 1/22 if any of you are interested.
I follow Bob & Brad on YouTube. I’ve also been to PT and had various injections into my upper back. I’ve tried lots of things/devices, stretches, and exercises for my upper back pain. Also, I’ve tried various medications. Nothing seems to work long-term, only temporary relief.
I know everyone is different, and I hope you are able to find some answers that work for you. The chest pain is the scariest thing for me, and I’ve been to the ER on more than one occasion to make sure I wasn’t dying. Anyway, the latest thing I’m about to try is from one of Bob & Brad’s latest videos. It’s called the Backpod, and you can find it on Amazon. It’s supposed to be really good for the chest pain or costochondritis. It’s a little pricey, but with Amazon’s holiday return policy, I figure I’d try it for a month or 2, and see if it helps any.
Here’s the link if you wanna check it out: Backpod