If you're a fan of the "recipes from home cooks" approach, you may like Mark Bittman's <em>The Best Recipes in the World</em> which is available on Amazon for $31. Pretty much the same concept but an enormous volume that covers many of the world's major cuisines and a few more regional ones.
If you're a fan of the "recipes from home cooks" approach, you may like Mark Bittman's <em>The Best Recipes in the World</em> which is available on Amazon for $31. Pretty much the same concept but an enormous volume that covers much of the world.
You want how to cook or what to cook? Techniques and food science, or recipes? If it's recipes you want, international recipes, you want Bittman's The Best Recipes in the World.
Have a look at Mark Bittman's The Best Recipes in the World It's an international cookbook that isn't centered on any one cuisine, so it may be just what you're looking for.
I like The Best Recipes In the World by Mark Bittman for an all-around, go-to cookbook.
A close second is probably The Cook's Book. It has great recipes, great photos, great instructions, but sadly many of the recipes are either too complicated/too expensive/too difficult to find all ingredients for normal cooking.