>How would they even know there was other planets its more likely it meant the devil
"morn·ing star
/ˈmôrniNG ˌstär/
a bright planet, especially Venus, when visible in the east before sunrise."
Astrology and star gazing was thing back then.
>Clearly not
How so he's reading it through out the video. Lol
>Yeah thats clearly talking about the devil
The video is about the name and how it's not in the bible. Mistranslation and misconception.
>There haven’t really been found that meny mistranslations that mean that much
I just showed you some relating to naming .
There's a book about this.
>Because Herodes knew how he knew dosen’t really matter
How did he knew? Also why doesn't it matter?
Like i said. Men with men is a mistranslation. In a few other languages its written correctly. I think it was german. But i am not sure.
But the bible was translates years ago. And translations werent as good yet. Its been translated dozens of times by far more advanced people and ai. And we figured out it was a mistranslation
There is litterally a book writyen about it and a full on news article showing it all. Here are the links.
Have a wonderfull day.
I wonder what r/Judaism has to say about an old testament book?
Anyways, I'd reccomend you read this article below:
Or, if you want an entire book about mistranslations, here's an amazon link:
A constructive dialogue, how wonderful.
And ask and you shall receive, a book a for a book, although mine is a bit pricier sadly