This is my favorite book on Kombucha, lots of brewing tips, history, and health notes.
I've been brewing and drinking the stuff for about a year now. I like it because it induces a good solid bowel movement out of me every time. Digestively...definitely some changes down there but I don't want to be too gross. Can't say it has cured cancer or AIDs or even a cold.
I keep up the habit because I do like to dabble in historical eating. People used to consume a lot more active yeast and bacteria via beer and I am open to the notion that this played a key role in digestion. I combine my kombucha habit with fasting to help with digestive issues and I'm mostly cleared up these days.
Hey! I've been making booch for about a year now, and I love it! I would say it's very relaxed. I was nervous starting as well, because my boyfriend does homebrewing and that is a very extensive process.
I got my first scoby from Final Gravity in Lakeside (attached to Original Gravity) and followed the instructions on a small sheet of paper they provide! While it was fermenting, I ordered a book on Amazon and did some reading about flavoring, bottling, benefits etc. (The Big Book of Kombucha: Brewing, Flavoring, and Enjoying the Health Benefits of Fermented Tea
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Or want a free scoby! I have a very large mother.
When I first started brewing I was recommendedThe Big Book of Kombucha and it was really great with tips for beginners to advanced, as well as some flavor recipes. I also really like the aesthetics of this book.
I use the recipes from this book. I just tried the "cherry cream soda" recipe for the first time today and it was chef's kiss
If you can get your hands on a beer brewing kit (Chapters has small ones) you can brew your own. The Big Book of Kombucha has a guide on how to do it. If you've brewed kombucha before, I would still recommend this book as it an excellent resource.
I got mine off Amazon but you can order it directly from there website too Amazon: Kombucha kamp: Cheers mate have a good day 😊😊😊
I've seen a few people use this:
Live Eat Learn has a free digital e-guide and logbook that I pretty much use exclusively
You Brew Kombucha has a YT page that is really helpful as well. I'm thinking she may also have a book or log book
I ride or die by this book. Priceless!
Depends a lot on where you are, I think. But no matter where you are, start super local.
Keep giving as much as you can to family, friends, and acquaintances...get a grass roots fever going so you'll have an almost automatic fan-base when you do decide to expand. Encourage them to pass along bottles to their friends; maybe even host a fun cocktail night sometime where folks can come try all your different flavors and make kombucha cocktails.
Start looking into local farmers markets. If there's someone at your market that already sells kombucha or something similar, visit often and pick their brains. Make connections with the other vendors, and talk to them about their experience selling at markets like this, even if they're not peddling the same type of product as you. Knowledge is power!
Inquire about regulations, requirements, and restrictions in your state/county. Look into renting a commercial kitchen space, perhaps. Read everything you can about your favorite kombucha brands and their founders' stories--their various successes and failures will inspire and inform you on your own journey.
There's also a really helpful section on expanding your brewing into the commercial realm in my favorite buch book, The Big Book of Kombucha. It's written by the woman who started Kombucha Kamp, which is kind of the ultimate resource for all things Buch, be it info or actual products. That website has been invaluable to me over the years.
Most of all, have fun and good luck! Keep us all posted on your endeavors :)