>This is the craziest thing I've ever read
Well I have good news for you: You didn't read it at all. I quite literally say I don't think the state needs to be going around taking your kids to raise them the 'right' way. I initially pushed back on the idea that rational parents likely would not knowingly hinder their children's education and I expanded by saying that:
1) Even rational people are susceptible to mistakes.
2) Not all parents are rational when it comes to making decisions about their children.
3) Public education can help address issues that may arise from 1 and 2. ADDRESS. Not replace parents in an attempt to avoid 1 and 2 entirely.
If you don't mind, can I suggest some light reading for you so the next time you come to this sub, you are a bit more prepared to have a discussion before you start elevating your blood pressure for no reason?
What I said is true. That lots of people guzzled conspiratorial Kool-Aid is beside the point. Russian election interference is beside the point. Reading comprehension is your friend.
I never said anything about skin color. Don't put words in my mouth. I also didn't compare anyone to anything. I used an extreme to point out the absurdity of not calling in suspicious people because you might be wrong.
This link is for you since you obviously suck at it.