Hi everyone,
I've been lurking on this sub for a few weeks now, posted a couple of responses to Prompts. Maybe it's about time I introduced myself...
I'm Mark Chandler. I live in the UK with my wife, sprog and dog. I work full-time, and for as long as I can remember, I have loved reading. I get so immersed in books, worlds, characters, places - I love it. I think it's for that reason that I decided that I wanted to write a book.
In 2009, I finally finished editing my teen novel, and published it. That was the teen novel that had been bouncing around my head for around ten years! I had written bits and bobs down over that time, but then sometime in 2008, I knuckled down and went from "idea-in-the-head" to "written-down".
I type faster than I can write, and my handwriting is atrocious - I'll write a paragraph and then can't even decipher it myself ten minutes later! So my go-to method is straight onto MS Word. Write, write, write, and then read it over and edit. Finish a chapter, read it over, edit.
I now have another novel on the go. I'm about twelve chapters in, have a rough outline of the entire plot, and keep chipping away at it. Hopefully I'll get that one done and dusted in less than ten years though!
I'm also working on a short story. An idea popped into my head not so long ago - what would happen if you suddenly lost ten years' worth of memories? Maybe not so big a deal? Maybe it is... So I began a short story, and am currently six parts deep in that.
Yesterday, I bit the bullet. I created my own sub. Gah!
So if you want to take a look at my WP responses so far, or catch a look at Part One of Ten Year's Gone, you can head over to /r/MarkChandler
Finally, if you did want to look at the novel, it's up on Amazon. For some reason, Amazon have the wrong book cover for the paperback (it's the original image that I had created for me, until someone pointed out that it was actually a Mortal Kombat (maybe?) character, so I had it changed), but the image for the Kindle version is correct.
BTW, I love this sub!