You're but one of a steadily growing number of men. A full 1/3 of men between 18-30 have never had sex.
Give up, don't give up, only you can decide that. What you need to accept and be ok with is the likelihood of success.
If you want to maximize your chances you have to become what women want/demand.
Be tall (6ft+) Be attractive (genetic lottery) Be fit (six pack, blah blah blah) Be rich (xxx,xxx income minimum) Have status (blue check mark on insta is an example)
You can aquire 3 of those 5 with enough hard work and dedication, but even then it's not guaranteed.
Nobody decent person would blame you if you wanted to bow out completely. What is expected of men today is unattainable for most men.
If you want the real literal hard numbers I highly recommend you read Aaron Clareys "Book of Numbers". Warning: The figures and numbers used in the book, while entirely truthful, paint a very bleak.
That's exactly the problem for men... It is so hard to keep a good mentality when this is what your dating pool looks like or here or here.
And that's just a recent example, you can google around for dozens just like it. This podcast kinda covers the same subject (and I assume his book that I haven't read gets into the same thing). The guy is a bit melodramatic but the point remains that for the average guy it is thousands of hours lost with little to nothing to show for it. Though it is very funny when women don't believe the male experience is so bad until they try it for themselves...
In regards, to your attempts to be a different angle of a man... this reminds me of a now dated, but perhaps the funniest story of all online dating. This book covers the detailing of Math PhD Chris McKinlay who downloaded the entire okcupid database. He segmented women by type into 7 clusters and preferences so he could make a profile tailored to their preferences. I wouldn't recommend buying the book because upon its release, okcupid retooled their site completely to render Chris' strategy useless. The story is definitely worth the read though. I'll quote the two most hilarious parts of the story... "As summer drew to a close, he'd been on more than 55 dates, each one dutifully logged in a lab notebook. Only three had led to second dates; only one had led to a third."
Afterall that work... " the message from Christine Tien Wang, a 28-year-old artist and prison abolition activist. McKinlay had popped up in her search for 6-foot guys with blue eyes near UCLA, where she was pursuing her master's in fine arts. They were a 91 percent match. "
Afterall of that, it was some random woman searching for height preferences... So the moral of the story for me is find your own happiness in whatever makes your life feel right... sports, videogames, music, travel, etc make your hobbies and friends. I never spend any effort looking for dates anymore... For me, they occur natural or not at all. #living in the 90 percent.