Read “Boy Crisis” for some insight on what your son is going through and will need to navigate as he becomes a man over the next decade. He’s at an age where you can actually start to help him with the issues outlined in this book.
I just picked up my copy of "The Boy Crisis" which just came out.
I lost respect for Feminists back when Bill Clinton was president . Two women brought sexual harassment cases against him. Even back then the feminist were saying we always have to believe the women in these cases. Until it was Bill Clinton and then Gloria Steinem and other feminist sided with the Clinton's
I am not a right wing conservative, But over the years I have seen feminist turn their back on a lot of women simply because they did not like their politics.
I agree with you that men's issues have been completely ignored and if you are a man and you speak up you are a misogynist. Some great books and a movie you might be interested in
The Boy Crisis
Men on Strike
American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this “man-child” phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?
The movie " The Red Pill" I think it is on Amazon
Not necessarily a parenting book but check out "The boy crisis". If you're planning on 5 kids, the odds are good you get a boy or 2.
I can't vouch for this specific clip, but I was first introduced to the concept of boys failing by listening to a talk by Warren Farrell. He is the author of The Boy Crisis, and I think his videos and writing would be an excellent place to start.
I'd advise reading this book or perhaps just watching some videos with Warren Farrell on youtube. I'm sorry for yours and your sons loss.
Yes there are no blowing guns that a SJW did it. But if someone gave someone chemicals that would supposedly turn someone not gay, you would be inclined to believe that it was the Christian/Muslim extremists right?
With how callous the SJW's are about hormones given the fact that a number of them are okay with pre-pubescent kids getting sex change operations and put them on hormone therapy, I am ever so slightly inclined to assume that the doctor decision wasn't a total medical one.
I mean I don't have an MD and I can tell you giving a 16 year old physically healthy male estrogen, is medical malpractice to say the least.
When there are active efforts to make boys more like girls via psychological methods and a school system that by design is suboptimal and sometimes downright hostile to young boys, when it is done explicitly, seems kind of ......
This seems to look like a case of testing the waters gone bad, they got caught before they could test on more, and before you know it boys across schools are getting prescribed estrogen pills for being "too unruly" on top of the other pills they are already prescribed.
Was the doctor retarded? Or just trying out some sick ideology influenced experiment? I should go buy some more benefits of the doubts from the market, because I keep on having to use them all up on SJW's.
Fatherless Generation, Statistics
The great porn experiment | Gary Wilson | TED Talk
Tucker: Something ominous is happening to men in America
The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It + The Boy Crisis | Warren Farrell Ph.D. | TED Talk
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
It's a little better, but not terribly so. The Washington Times gives the impression that it's a reputable national newspaper, but after digging a little deeper, it's more aptly described as a conservative leaning tabloid with close ties to the Unification Movement, which is a religious entity.
That being said, there's not a lot of substance to this article. Their source is a book and its author who is there to promote it. If the book itself is a secondary source, what does that make this article? A tertiary source? I worry that we're playing the telephone game a bit with the actual science here.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to examine and scrutinize the methods used to draw these conclusions and see that it's gone through peer review. We need to be able to compare the incidence of these factors in the population of school shooters with that of the general population, for example, to see if there's not some cherry picking going on.
Calling it out. Hold peaceful and moral rallies. Share ideas. Talk the youth. A great example of how it should be done is a man named Warren Farrell who talks about the concerning development of men and how the society often hurts their growth.
(I don't understand why people are angry about this)
Outstanding video, not much to add here. Warren Farrell is such a truly good man. He has done an incredible job of helping boy and young men in this hostile environment we live in today.
His latest book is:
The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It.