I'm in the middle of Warren Farrell's The Boy Crisis, which covers how society is pushing boys and men out while calling them privileged. I recommend the book. What we are doing to boys and men and how blind we make ourselves to the situation is tragic.
You read privilege through your ideological lens, but that’s not what I wrote, buddy.
The point was that everyone, including men, have burdens and struggles in life, and we have completely ignored those of men for a generation.
Yes, we should rightly continue to focus on women’s issues. But anytime men’s issues are brought up, they are just ignored or laughed about. Why can’t you just look at a problem I identified and say, “yes, we should work on that too.”? What is wrong with you?
You should learn more. Try reading this. And watching this. How about this. And this. Before you dismiss this, you should know Warren Farrell was a major feminist leader in his day before focusing on men’s issues.
Im not saying this is the biggest issue out there, but you think this issue is completely unrelated to mass shootings, you’re an idiot. That was my whole point.
See “The Boy Crisis”
Written by a former feminist. The statistics in that book are mind blowing and everything is cited.