It brightens my day when I see posts from women like yourself. Women are the ones that need to stand up and tell their fellow sisters to shut the F up. When we men do it we are called misogynists. Any new ideas that come out for a true discussion of how men and women need to come together is met by the Feminist Army of protesters, to be shouted down and silenced at any cost. It kind of reminds me of Adolf Hitlers Brown Shirts in the 1930s Anyone who spoke against Hitler was silenced.
I am not sure if you have watched the documentary called "The Red Pill" I think you can find it on Amazon Fire and some other media.
Two great books that I have read are The Boy Crisis and Men on Strike.
American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this “man-child” phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?
I just happened to see the stat that the vast majority of men in prison, and that are mass murderers, had no father in the home.