I found The Boy Who Reversed Himself lyong around my middle school library. Campy YA sci fi about a kid who can move in the 4th dimension, which adoes a surprisingly good job of making higher dimensional geometry accessible to middle schoolers. I don't think I knew it was math at the time.
Going to use this post to mention my favorite kid's book: The Boy Who Reversed Himself
It's a kid's book, but it's cute, and helped me grasp the 4th dimension(as much as I can anyway) at a very young age.
Also, apparently, if you reverse ketchup it's the most delicious thing in the entire world. ;)
Hopefully you're not smoking under the age of 25, if you're male....and little younger if your female. No need to lose IQ points just to taste sounds at such a high cost. If you're an adult...no lasting damage.
It reminds me of the book called The Boy Who Reversed Himself because when he went into another dimension ketchup tasted liked chocolate and not just any ketchup...packet ketchup.
Is there a difference between orchestra music and band music when seeing colors?
The Boy Who Reversed Himself by William Sleator had a character named Omar.
:O That's it! I recognize the cover even! TY! And I read the description of the book, the main character is indeed a girl :P Solved! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0140389652/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Aww, someone else read The Boy Who Reversed Himself in elementary school too!