> Are you advocating a US engineered coup in Venezuela?
Technically it would be a counter-coup since the Venezuelan Executive already overthrew the legislative and judicial branches.
Edit: blaming the US for the Chilean coup is like blaming the weatherman for the rain. How many coup attempts were there in Chile prior to the one that succeeded against Allende?
I highly recommend <em>The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Chile</em> by Arturo Valenzuela (and the rest of the Breakdown series edited by Linz and Stepan) if you're interested in the tumultuousness in Chilean politics leading up to the successful coup against Allende.
Pinochet took Power in 1973, and kept Allende socialist policies. Pinochet socialism had hyperinflation over 700% yearly.
The source is any economic source, there is no controversy. You can read The breakdown of democratic regimes, Chile, by Valenzuela, and any historical register of economic policies.
Milton Friedman was invited to Chile in 1975, two years after catastrophically failed socialist policies.
Your suspicions about USA backing socialists are just extreme ignorance.
There are 2 main branches of socialism: international socialism (communism, or Russian imperialism), and nazional socialism (socialism independentist respect to Russia), which is prone to be ally of the catholic Church, monarchies, and conservatives, because that's the core of national power.
At WWII, the worst socialism was the nazional socialism, so USA backed the Soviet Union against the nazis, and that doesn't means that the Soviet Union was capitalist.
After WWII the worst enemy was the international socialism, so USA switched to back nazional socialists against the USSR, and that doesn't means that the nazis are capitalists, so there is nothing strange about USA backing socialists.
It was just supporting the lesser evil.
Nazis and communists always ally to take power, and after taking power, they kill each other, because communists want to gift the country to Russia, converting it into a satellite soviet colony, and nazionalists want to be independent, that's why they are nationalists.
Hitler allied with the USSR at the start of WWII, to initiate the war, invade Poland, and split it. Then they killed each other.
The same happened in Spain with the fascist Franco, and the Spanish communists.
The same happened in Argentina with the nazi Perón, and his communist allies. After Perón took power on the 70's, allied with the communists, they started killing each other.
It was the same history in Chile, Peru, Paraguay, and other socialist alliances.
In Spain and South America, nazional socialism is strongly linked to the Jesuitic order of the Catholic Church, which is communist, and has many centuries of communist tradition.
The Jesuitic order has a long history of creating dictatorial communist towns, and entire provinces, which rebelled against the government, and were directly governed by Jesuits.
His goal is to create a global Catholic communist government ruled from the vatican city.
The most notable case was his attempt to subvert South America against the Spanish crown, with capital in Paraguay, which is the reason for which the Jesuitical Order was expelled from the Spanish empire around 1700, a century before Marx were born.
The Jesuitic order is directly responsible for almost all the communist organizations in Spain and South America, as indoctrinator, protector and financer.
Most ”anything-Christian” parties around the world are socialists, because Christianism is the real root of socialism worldwide. In South America they tend to ally with fascists, but also with communists.
The Catholic Church is the main cause for the poverty in Latin America, because it indoctrinates people against profits, wealth, finances, romanticizes poverty and communalism. It is the same reason for which Europe sank into the dark ages after the fall of the roman empire (In which the catholic church is a main cause).
The Inquisition at the end of the middle ages was an attempt of the catholic Church to preserve his communist power, by means of violence and terror.