I went out and bought “The Bride’s Essential Book if Lists: things to do and questions to ask” by Amy Nebens. IT IS GREAT! I’m the kind of person who likes putting pen to paper and making lists; this is a little book of everything you could possibly need. There are tabbed sections for everything from the ceremony to the honeymoon. Each section has a checklist, questions to ask each vendor (also a section to write three different vendors responses so you can easily compare options), tips/advice, worksheets/spreadsheets. There is also a budget planner, an overall timeline for the year leading up to the wedding, registry lists, sample photography list, there is a section just for everyone’s contact information. It’s worth it just for the questions to ask IMO.
The Bride's Essential Book of Lists: Things to Do & Questions to Ask https://www.amazon.com/dp/1454908440/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_S0XTA09XHT36J5WG9JTE