I see you got lots of great suggestions on the food. When my kid was first diagnosed with his nut and egg allergy at around a year and a half I felt so overwhelmed and hopeless but things have gotten so much better. At almost 3 he will now tell you his allergies and he is fine with any food I say he can not have because he is allergic. We went to his cousin 2 yr bday and the cake was nut free but made in a kitchen where they also did tree nut product so he could not have it, he asked for it and I said let mw check if it is safe, after I said it is not and he said okay i can’t eat it and I gave him a tiny chocolate that was safe. All this is just meant to say he does not know any other way so is just fine with this and does not feel left out or sad about t he is perfectly happy. We have a few kid allergy books I have been reading with him since we discovered the allergies and it helps.
The Bugabees: Friends With Food Allergies https://www.amazon.com/dp/1592982794/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_OA86zb29D2CGQ
Food Allergies and Me: A Children's Book https://www.amazon.com/dp/1456413287/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_rB86zbZHZY3D1
Here is a list with halloween coming up if you care for that, i follow vermont nut free on facebook because they share really useful info regarding allergies https://allergicliving.com/2017/10/05/halloween-guide-2017-delicious-allergy-friendly-treats/