Buy or download The Carl Stalling Project: Music From Warner Bros. Cartoons, 1936-1958.
He composed and performed other popular tunes that were featured in all your favorite Looney Tunes.
The Carl Stalling Project is an amazing collection showcasing the great music the Warner Bros cartoons. It also has some outtakes and recorded voices of the orchestra between takes. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Now, go order this:
and this:
I believe they are both available on Amazon's streaming service and as digital. The CDs are great for the booklets with the history and annotations. The commentary by John Zorn is a hoot.
The first track - a cue from a Bugs Bunny cartoon, is mind blowing..
There are at least two CDs available full of Carl Stalling's music for Looney Tunes. I loaned mine to a friend years ago and he still hasn't returned them. :-)
It's like The Carl Stalling Project
Mel Blanc once "entertained" at the birthday party of a niece or great-niece of his...this happened at a home near where I lived. The neighborhood kids talked about it for years as the coolest birthday party ever.
And if you like this, you might want to check out "The Carl Stalling Project" available on Amazon:
It's JUST the music from a whole bunch of those WB cartoons, and just hearing the music makes me remember the scenes and smile.