UBI / JG .... why they work together to address the failures / flaws / dysfunctions within the private labor markets and help to stabilize the economy.
1 example
Discrimination in hiring is a feature, not a bug, of private labor markets, but what happens when people who want and need to work cannot find suitable employment?
Ask anybody who is actively seeking work over 50 years old, who is too young to collect social security. They need income to live. They have worked thier whole lives and the want to continue to work.
UBI / JG solves this problem. UBI for example, would provide basic income that might allow them to start a business (numerous pilots show this to be happening). Or, JG would connect them to the public service/ caring economy where there is considerable need for talented, skilled labor that also gives people a purpose.
Unemployment ( for those who are eligible and many are not due to overly harsh rules) pays people to "sit on the sidelines" as it is now (misguided as it is).
UBI /JG have been shown to be a much better ROI as well as work to increase the GDP over the other two "solutions" of: 1) paying unemployment or 2). Casting people out to wither on the vine because it is not your problem.
A low of 4% unemployment still represents MILLIONS of people in the US who want to work.
Or, a different perspective is the alarming 61.4% workforce participation rate.
We, the citizens of the US, cannot just continue to ignore this problem.
So if you understand that the gov can create money, then you understand that bonds and taxes are not for funding the gov spending.
The fiscal policy must be targeted sure, but the public projects should not be evaluated based on RoI of private sector projects. The gov do not need £s, it has all the £s that one can imagine. The gov should follow social and environmental goals out of their projects beside the economical.
If an economic system cannot use its resources, then it is called inefficient. This is the problem of the system, not the resources!
At the end, what change can solve the problem? A job guarantee program that hires the excessive labour resource for common good. You can read about it here
Or watch a brief lecture like
>Fake jobs?
This mischaracterization and blatant disinformation about FJG demonstrates you have not read The Case for A Job Guarantee by Tcherneva.