>I had no idea that your response was going to be song long and so I just wanted to at least say how much I really appreciate how well you responded
Being civil and pursuing the truth of the matter in civil discussion is the least I could do. I am also fatigued by the common argumentative disputes that erupt here on Reddit. I just want to state things credibly so people can hopefully get somewhere with the discussion.
>I have read case for christ (I think that's the one u mentioned)
<em>The Case for the Real Jesus</em> is not the same book as <em>The Case for Christ</em>. (Both are by Lee Strobel.) The former addresses all the arguments against the historicity of Jesus, including claims from the proponents of the Gnostic gospels and other apocryphal gospels, and claims that Jesus was a myth remixed from prior pagan mythology. Lee Strobel interviews experts and plays devil's advocate and presents the case made by scholars who have been studying these controversies professionally. I highly recommend it. I do have some disputes with what the book presented, but that's another matter. On the whole, the book is amazing, and a must-read for anyone who is serious about figuring out the issues of historicity.