Not exactly a psychiatric nurse but elyn saks has schizophrenia and she did something similar (link below with her book) I highly recommend reading her book because part of her inspiration for writing it was for people who have a diagnosis of schizoprenia. She is absolutely brilliant and highlights some of her difficulties.
There is a popular book The Center Can ot Hold , where the author talks about her journey with Schizophrenia. In the book, she talks about her breaks she had to take in her education, and how she dealt with going back.
Your wife needs a lot of therapy. What's scary is that your son may need help in future, and she is essentially making it impossible for him to approach her. I hope she can get her head around that - what she is doing is the worst possible outcome.
Good luck OP, and well done supporting your son. Out of curiosity have you read The Centre Cannot Hold? It's an incredible book written by someone with schizophrenia, and her experiences. No doubt you have heard of it, but if not it is well worth looking at.
Read a memoir from Elyn Saks: she has schizophrenia and is now a professor teaching others about mental illness.
From Amazon: “Elyn R. Saks is an esteemed professor, lawyer, and psychiatrist and is the Orrin B. Evans Professor of Law, Psychology, Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California Law School, yet she has suffered from schizophrenia for most of her life, and still has ongoing major episodes of the illness. The Center Cannot Hold is the eloquent, moving story of Elyn's life, from the first time that she heard voices speaking to her as a young teenager, to attempted suicides in college, through learning to live on her own as an adult in an often terrifying world. Saks discusses frankly the paranoia, the inability to tell imaginary fears from real ones, the voices in her head telling her to kill herself (and to harm others); as well the incredibly difficult obstacles she overcame to become a highly respected professional. This beautifully written memoir is destined to become a classic in its genre.
The title is a line from "The Second Coming," a poem by William Butler Yeats, which is alluded to in the book.”
The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness
Elyn Saks, in her book The Center Cannot Hold, wrote about being hospitalized in the UK and in America.
It was WAY better for her in the UK. What happened to her in the US is part of the reason it took me so long to seek treatment (though I've heard from several people here that had positive experiences being committed in the US).
edit: her experience in the UK was positive.
This is an excellent book written by a wonderful mind who is also schizophrenic:
Wikibot was wrong it was this Center Cannot Hold
In addition to Yalom and Oliver Sacks:
The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness by Ellen Saks
Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Marya Hornbacher
The Mummy at the Dining Room Table - Eminent Therapists Reveal Their Most Unusual Cases and What They Teach Us About Human Behavior by Jeffrey Cottler and Jon Carlson