A Chinese-american friend recommended this cookbook to me and I’ve really enjoyed cooking from it. Lots of recipes do not call for sesame. My favorite so far is the sweet chili shrimp.
The Chinese Takeout Cookbook: Quick and Easy Dishes to Prepare at Home https://www.amazon.com/dp/034552912X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_syykFbH8ZFX7D
I know, right?? I started by skimming through a couple Asian cookbooks either at the library or that friends had. Because a lot of the ingredients/processes/etc are unfamiliar to Westerners, many of them spend quite a lot of time talking about basic ingredients - a number of them recommend specific brands and show a photo of the correct bottle, even.
They often say the "basic pantry" should have rather a lot so I found a few things that are in everything and I can use often enough to warrant having. I love Korean food and have some of their bean pastes, but I use them so rarely that when they run out I won't replace them right away. Whereas I will always keep (unseasoned) rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, and soy sauce on hand. Hoisin, too, if only because it lasts forever without even putting it in the fridge.
(For what it's worth, I really like the Chinese Takeout Cookbook - I've only made a handful of recipes from it but each of them was very good.)
Not OP, but I have this book and just substitue with Bob’s Redmill 1-to-1 GF flour
The Chinese Takeout Cookbook: Quick and Easy Dishes to Prepare at Home https://www.amazon.com/dp/034552912X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4WQZ0NQBB4RF1XQTVFDK
This cookbook has a great orange chicken recipe. Honestly, I've never made anything from it that wasn't fantastic. https://www.amazon.com/Chinese-Takeout-Cookbook-Dishes-Prepare/dp/034552912X
I had this one from the library and enjoyed it.