I’ve been a fan of Daniel for a long time now, from the days of the old intro to the colourful socks we all know and love today, Daniel is one of my favourite YouTubers, period.
Daniel has mentioned on occasion that he wants more non-traditional and non-western fantasy stories, so I thought he may enjoy, The Redemption of Storms, an African epic fantasy.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
If this sounds like a read Daniel may enjoy, I’d be happy to gift him a copy & if this story sounds interesting to anyone else then please join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire. It’s available on all markets on Amazon at a 50% sale so please enjoy.
& Thank you for the content Daniel, even if you never see this, I’ll still always be a fan of your channel!!
Elom Abbey.
Hey r/fantasy, to celebrate Black History Month in the U.K. I Have made my African inspired epic fantasy, Redemption of Storms, free for the next 5 days!
The Redemption of Storms draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more. The story follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy I hope you can check it out!
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
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It’s Black History Month in the U.K.& to celebrate I’m giving away my African inspired epic fantasy, Redemption of Storms, free for you to keep forever!
The Redemption of Storms draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more. The story follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
I have been a fan of Hasan for a long time, and I know he and his community care about representation, so if this sounds like a read you may enjoy I hope you can check it out!
To celebrate Black History Month I Have made my African inspired epic fantasy, Redemption of Storms, free for the next 5 days!
The Redemption of Storms draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more. The story follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy I hope you can check it out!
Here are all the local Amazon links I could find:
Beep bloop. I'm a bot to convert Amazon ebook links to local Amazon sites. I currently look here: amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, amazon.ca, amazon.com.au, amazon.in, amazon.com.mx, amazon.de, amazon.it, amazon.es, amazon.com.br, amazon.nl, amazon.co.jp, amazon.fr, if you would like your local version of Amazon adding please contact my creator.
To celebrate Black History Month in the U.K. I Have made my African inspired epic fantasy, Redemption of Storms, free for the next 5 days!
The Redemption of Storms draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more. The story follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy I hope you can check it out!
Hey r/fantasy, to celebrate Black History Month in the U.K. I Have made my African inspired epic fantasy, Redemption of Storms, free for the next 5 days!
The Redemption of Storms draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more. The story follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then I hope you can check it out!
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
Artist: Rhayven Jones
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
Koujo is a noble from an ancient empire on the brink of collapsing into a bloody civil war.
Through centuries of colonialism, genocide and imperialism, The Savellian Empire have managed to conquer the entire continent/known world.
After a string of either brutal and/or ineffective emperors the empire is on the brink of collapse.
On the surface and to the general public the imperial council look in control but under the covers the council has split into three main factions;
The emperor & monarchy
The leader of the imperial knights (who essentially act as peacekeepers/ secret police. They are inspired by the real world Malian ‘knights’ called the Farari)
The leader of the imperial military.
The leader of the imperial military is basically immortal and has led the army for nearly all of the empires existence, so all factions highly respect and fear him, but he isn’t immortal and is reaching the end of his lifespan.
He is getting old and sick. When he dies there will be no one left to stop the other factions from clashing and tearing the empire to shreds in the process.
Koujo wants to build and army and usurp them all to take the dominant position in the empire before the council drags the world into a bloody civil war.
Inspired by real African histories, empires and cultures, like the Malian, Ashanti, and Abyssinian empires as well as Great Zimbabwe, Kilwa Kisiwani, Ile Ife and many more, The Redemption of Storms is an African fantasy story.
If this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
Through centuries of colonialism, genocide and imperialism, the Savellian Empire have managed to conquer the entire continent/known world. After a string of either brutal and/or ineffective emperors the empire is on the brink of collapse.
On the surface and to the general public the imperial council look in control but under the covers the council has split into three main factions;
The emperor & monarchy
The leader of the imperial knights (who essentially act as peacekeepers/ secret police. They are inspired by the real world Malian ‘knights’ called the Farari)
The leader of the imperial military.
The leader of the imperial military is basically immortal and has led the army for nearly all of the empires existence, so all factions highly respect and fear him, but he isn’t immortal and is reaching the end of his lifespan.
He is getting old and sick. When he dies there will be no one left to stop the other factions from clashing and tearing the empire to shreds in the process.
The main character (Koujo), wants to build and army and usurp them all to take the dominant position in the empire before the council drags the world into a bloody civil war.
Inspired by real African histories, empires and cultures, like the Malian, Ashanti, and Abyssinian empires as well as Great Zimbabwe, Kilwa Kisiwani, Ile Ife and many more, The Redemption of Storms is an African fantasy story.
If this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
The Chronicle of the Jali: The Redemption of Storms, is an African inspired epic fantasy.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
I may be abit bias, but I would recommend my new African inspired epic fantasy, The Chronicle of the Jali: The Redemption of Storms.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
I found it on US Amazon: The Chronicle of the Jali: The Redemption of Storms. (An African Epic Fantasy) by Elom Abbey
/u/Elom-Abbey, it would be a good idea to make a website with separate pages for each of your books, that includes a section with direct links to where to purchase them. Something like the Order Now section on this page.
The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
Hi r/BlackLivesMatter, I am Elom Abbey. The author of The Chronicle of the Jali: Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
Hi r/EbonyImagination, I am Elom Abbey. The author of The Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. Koujo must navigate the perils of leadership and political brinkmanship as he assembles an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
Amazon us: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HD78JN6
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08HD78JN6
Hi r/Fantasy, I am Elom Abbey. The author of The Redemption of Storms, an African inspired epic fantasy, that draws inspiration from historical African empires, like the Ashanti, Malian, Abyssinian and many more.
Book one follows a boy on the run from an ancient empire on the brink of collapse. He must navigate the political machinations of this once mighty empire to assemble an army to conquer the land before it collapses into total civil war.
So if this sounds like a read you may enjoy, then join Koujo on his journey to conquer the empire!
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HD78JN6
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08HD78JN6