Study that book extensively for a month. Then use the SAT Blue Book and do all the 8 practice exams for the math section.
Using the strategy can get you an 800 if you study well.
Oh dang, you better get rolling. Don't worry though, anything is possible. You can do it!
For reading and/or writing, get Erica Meltzer's books to the respective topics (English or Writing). They are also available online at Amazon.
For math, for sure get College Panda's SAT Math Workbook.
i suggest getting the college panda book for sat math. I got a 650 in math and I was able to boost it to a 720. It doesn't seem that much but my superscore drastically improved. this is the link:
and i suggest getting the college panda sat math practice tests as well for more practice.
Khan academy can help you improve your english score but I found the workbook linked above to really help with math.
As a fellow senior, I wish you luck. Study your ass off man.
That’s not a bad score for someone your age—don’t be discouraged. I highly recommend starting out by learning the math needed for the SAT. A lot of times, students will improve drastically because they learn the math topics necessary to improve. Get College Panda’s Math book or do the corresponding math courses on Khan Academy (this means identifying what’s tested on the math section by looking at Khan Academy’s Official SAT Practice math tab and finding corresponding units on Khan Academy Math to concepts you don’t fully understand). The next step would be to learn all the grammar rules, either through College Panda’s SAT Writing book or through the free blog of SAT Writing rules that College Panda has on its website. Once you know these well, it’s a matter of perfecting your skills through practice, which you can find on Khan Academy’s Official SAT Practice, practice tests (+ the QAS tests available on this sub), UWorld, and Make sure that after EVERY SINGLE QUESTION YOU GET WRONG you’re trying to FULLY UNDERSTAND WHY you got the answer wrong, including the underlying concepts of the question and the future approach to answering it. From there, it’s a matter of just practicing & understanding your mistakes to perfection. Please don’t be discouraged by your scores at first: if you put in effort, it’s very possible to bring that score up very high. Here are some of the links to the things I mentioned:
Khan Academy Official SAT Practice
College Panda SAT Writing Book
College Panda Free SAT Writing Guide
With these at your disposal, you have the potential to score really high on the SAT. Good luck!!!
Edit: Erica Meltzer’s Ultimate Guide to SAT Reading is also really good for SAT reading. If you choose to buy it, make sure you’re buying the latest edition.
Please do not practice "tough" for the sake of tough. That is like practicing soccer but using a bowling ball, which may be tough but is rather obviously a bad idea. Practice realistic to get the right content, the right pacing, and the right thought process when you are testing.
McGraw-Hill is a bad fit for anyone. It does not do a good job of matching the question style or content of the real SAT, and it is rated by this Reddit as the worst prep book in existence.
Kaplan is adequate but not great. I would recommend redoing one of the better books rather than doing Kaplan, but at least it helps you to prepare. The College Board Guide is one of the many excellent books that I do recommend. Other recommendations are listed in the sidebar, quoted below:
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
8 official practice tests + 11 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Official SAT discord
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 1900+ questions and explanations has video explanations to each question on the 8 official practice tests and 11 QAS tests. The first 4 practice tests and a strategy course are free.
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
If you're looking to improve on Math, you're in a fortunate spot since the road to improvement is as simple as learning the concepts.
Khan Academy is a highly-recommended and free resource to learn the necessary content for the Math section.
However, if you don't mind spending some money, you have some great book options. There's the College Panda and the Orange Book (Volumes 1 and 2). As some who is scoring lower than 700, you might have enough content gaps where the Orange Book is better (it goes very in-depth into the topics whereas Panda assumes you to have a good base knowledge).
Remember to periodically do practice tests to see if the content is sticking with you; track all the errors you're making and tie them back to concepts. I think both Panda and the Orange Book have appendices that help you classify the question and point to the relevant chapter. You can use (only Tests 1-4 are free) or Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood for question explanations.
Good luck!
From the sidebar:
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
10 official practice tests + 10 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood has video explanations to each question on the official practice tests, some QAS tests, as well as math 1 and 2
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 2400+ questions and explanations has video explanations to each question on 21 official practice tests and QAS tests and presents live and on-demand SAT prep classes. The first 4 practice tests and a strategy course are free
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
Yes. I meant the College Panda book:
this is a good reading score! if you want to improve further, the erica meltzer reading and grammar workbooks are amazing. i’ve always struggled with math, and what’s helped me the most is khan academy work and the collegepanda workbook (i linked all the books below for ya :)). i know not everyone can afford practice books, and if you can’t i’d check your local library or websites like
in general it’s super important that you find time to practice everyday if you really want to improve your score. i practice every morning when i wake up and sometimes review my notes at night. especially with summer you probably have a little more time to dedicate to it.
best of luck!! you got this.
math book- The College Panda's SAT Math: Advanced Guide and Workbook for the New SAT erica meltzer reading- The Critical Reader, Fourth Edition: The Complete Guide to SAT Reading erica meltzer grammar- Fifth Edition, The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar
Thank you for the endorsement. Here are all the links:
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
10 official practice tests + 10 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood has video explanations to each question on the official practice tests, some QAS tests, as well as math 1 and 2
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 2400+ questions and explanations has video explanations to each question on 21 official practice tests and QAS tests and presents live and on-demand SAT prep classes. The first 4 practice tests and a strategy course are free
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
Kaplan is not sufficiently similar to the real SAT to be a good choice. The sidebar has a list of recommended resources. I have reviewed all of them and agree with the recommendations.
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
10 official practice tests + 10 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood has video explanations to each question on the official practice tests, some QAS tests, as well as math 1 and 2
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 2400+ questions and explanations has video explanations to each question on 21 official practice tests and QAS tests and presents live and on-demand SAT prep classes. The first 4 practice tests and a strategy course are free
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
In general, many people find College Panda to be a great review book to use. It really depends on what works for you.
Some (like me) really like the convenient online practices that Khan Academy offers. Kahn Academy also tracks your understanding of all your skills and automatically sets up practices & timed mini-sections for you.
College Panda, on the other hand, is written by a truly experienced SAT test taker and tutor. He includes many of the SAT "tricks" that you need to be aware of.
I can say that, while there is no perfect fit-all solution, college panda is one of the best review books out there and it might suit you like it has for so many others.
You can try out some exercises through Amazon's "look inside" preview feature.
I included a link for your convenience here but you can easily find exercises in the grammar book as well:
See if you like the exercises and if they give you a sense of progression and don't forget to try Khan Academy!
mb, here: The College Panda's SAT Math: Advanced Guide and Workbook for the New SAT
of course! tbh i really only needed to focus on math, im really good at reading/writing, so i bought the college panda sat math workbook ( and it was amazing for me, i SUCK at math but the explainations were rlly nice and my score went up more than 300 in like 2ish months? i didnt use any other resources cuz i didnt feel the need, basically i worked on collegepanda throughout the week and took a practice test on khan academy every saturday, and then spent sunday going over what i got wrong. it really worked well for me!
r/SAT would be helpful for SAT prep; this book was fantastic for math prep; i went from a 640 to an 800 on the math section with it and erica meltzer's great for the english sections
The College Panda's SAT Math: Advanced Guide and Workbook for the New SAT
TLDR; Advice that, if you don't want, feel free not to use. But if you want it, go ahead. Break a leg.
There something called an SAT test. Given that you're 14, you've probably heard about it, but have no idea what it is.
Basically, its a 3 hours long test that scores you on maths, reading, and writing. Given your age, you should expect taking it within the next two years--either freshman or sophomore year of high school (for practice SAT).
The test is highly valued in our society (and for good reason), so you best score well on it.
Scoring well on the test equips you with the foundational knowledge needed to succeed anywhere in life (SOF, astronaut, etc) [this, given that you're not a pretentious asshole coming out of high school].
A good foundation in Maths (which is tested on the SAT) will help you very much. Scores from the SAT correlate well with the ASVAB. If you score a well on the SAT, chances are you'll score perfect on the ASVAB (because the foundational math you learn for the SAT is universal, and HARDER than what you find on ASVAB).
(unrelated: companies like spaceX ask for SAT scores in their application process)
Scoring perfect on ASVAB allows you to choose basically any career you want--and gives you ALOT of wiggle room with PST requirements and obtaining a contract. Don't be a knuckle dragger. Physical fitness is not the only thing you should be focusing on. Become smart of useful to others.
The entire test has five components;
A multiple choice Reading Test (65 mins, 52 questions)
A multiple choice Writing and Language Test (35 mins, 44 questions)
A math test WITH CALCULATOR (55mins, 38 questions)
A math test WITH OUT CALCULATOR (25mins, 20 questions)
AND AN OPTIONAL ESSAY TEST (where you write an essay responding to a prompt. 50 minutes)
All these tests combine into one, called the SAT.
If you want to score perfect on the SAT, listen to my advice, and use it:
1.) BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING: Watch this video about math ( It'll teach you much of what you need to know (multiplication, division, how to add large numbers, subtract them, etc.)
2.)After learning the concepts in the video, take a practice SAT test. You can download an official one here.
3.) Figure out where you stand (score wise, after taking test). I, for one, score 1000 on my first try (which is shit).
4.)Start learning the knowledge needed to improve the scores.
a.) for math, buy this book ( and study the hell out of it (4 weeks of review, then take practice SAT tests and review questions that you get wrong). [Note: This book takes time to understand. So, when you're stuck, use YouTube to fill in GAPs). When the test rolls around, you can score a perfect score-- and that should guarantee you a good career in SOF--even maybe an astronaut later on--really depends on what you want to do in life (which is, really, only for you to decide).
b.) If you can't afford it, try to find a library that has the book. Also, buy or check out a Princeton review SAT 2021 book. This book helps very well with understanding the outline of the test.
There are many books that help you learn the knowledge needed to score well on the SAT. Search YouTube videos for good recommendations. The one's I've provided helped me, but may not be the best out there.
One more thing:
When High School comes, join AP classes. They teach you how to study.
In middle school, I had straight F's (no shit). In high school, I had straight A's.
The deciding factor between my success and failure was knowing how to study. AP classes (hoping you have good teachers) teaches you how to study.
Last thing:
If you want an understanding in what numbers are, why we use them, etc (which helps you understand the purpose of algebra, and why in the fuck we combine letters and numbers, etc), I've attached a PDF primers on numbers (basically explains what numbers are, usual notations used, and what they stand for--the ones you see in PHD papers, that look really complex and hard, but are really not.). After watching the video I linked, try and read some of these PDFs in the order I supplied. I got them from an MIT class I attended last summer, and they were very helpful in my understand of numbers.
Right now, I'm on my GAP year. I have plenty of time, so feel free to reach out with any questions.
The first half of this list is free. You might try both my YouTube Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood (math only, no ads, now or ever) and the free trial (very large considering it's free, covers math and English for tests 1-4), and see if either one helps.
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
10 official practice tests + 10 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood has video explanations to each question on the official practice tests, some QAS tests, as well as math 1 and 2
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 2400+ questions and explanations has video explanations to each question on 21 official practice tests and QAS tests and presents live and on-demand SAT prep classes. The first 4 practice tests and a strategy course are free
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
I went to MIT, class of 1981.
If you're entering your sophomore year, work hard on math and English in general but don't bother with the SAT until next June.
If you're entering your junior year, this is the time to start. Read the list of recommended resources in the sidebar. I recommend against using more than one test per week or even two weeks. After that, it is more effective to go over your errors multiple times, practice individual questions in your weak areas, and study general skills during the week.
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
10 official practice tests + 10 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood has video explanations to each question on the official practice tests, some QAS tests, as well as math 1 and 2
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 2400+ questions and explanations has video explanations to each question on 21 official practice tests and QAS tests and presents live and on-demand SAT prep classes. The first 4 practice tests and a strategy course are free
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
The College Panda's SAT Math: Advanced Guide and Workbook for the New SAT
The College Panda's SAT Writing: Advanced Guide and Workbook
The Critical Reader, 3rd Edition: The Complete Guide to SAT Reading
Hey from what I found on the Amazon page for both books the 2nd edition from the table of contents it looks like some of the chapters have more info. The first edition chapter "More Equation Solving Strategies" has two subcategories while the 2nd edition has 2. there seems to be a new chapter, "Minimum and Maximum Word Problems", the Function Chapter has a new subcategory. A title name changed so maybe some more info was added to the original chapter. Those are the changes that I found, of course, I don't own either book so it's up to you to decide whether it's worth it to buy the second edition. But if you don't have either they're both the same price so it won't hurt to get the second one. Hope this helps.
1st edition:
2nd edition:
From the sidebar. I hope one or more of these will help you:
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
10 official practice tests + 9 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Dr. Roger's Math Neighborhood has video explanations to each question on the official practice tests, some QAS tests, as well as math 1 and 2
Official SAT discord
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 2400+ questions and explanations has video explanations to each question on the 8 official practice tests and 11 QAS tests. The first 4 practice tests and a strategy course are free
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
What is best for each individual varies based on your needs and learning style. Some of us learn better online. Others learn better from books. Some people like the Khan structure. Others like UWorld questions. And some like the 1600io explanations of real College Board questions. Still, initial answers to all your questions are in the sidebar. As long as you choose among resources in the top third of the list from the survey (those mentioned in the sidebar), you're good:
The resources provided in these lists are ones that are highly and regularly recommended by the community. Refer to the survey link below for more information on resources
>Large-scale data analysis of the community including average test and practice test scores, recommended resources, hours studied and improvement, etc.
8 official practice tests + 8 additional real tests from QAS dates. This link contains every SAT practice test that can be found on this subreddit
Khan Academy's SAT page
Official SAT discord
CollegeBoard's Daily Practice for the New SAT available on the App Store or Google Play
>UWorld question bank with 1900+ questions. has video explanations to each question on the 8 official practice tests and 8 QAS tests. The first 4 practice tests are free
Reading and Writing books from Erica Meltzer (author)
Math, writing, and essay books from College Panda (author Nielson Phu)
Textbook companies with a large number of prep products (such as Princeton Review and Kaplan) are not highly recommended
The College Panda's SAT Math:... and what books from Meltzer?
The general consensus:
Reading: Erica Meltzer's Critical Reader
Writing: Erica Meltzer's Guide to Grammar
Yes, Khan Academy is worth it. Especially since they partnered with College Board, the questions you get on there will be accurate to what's on the actual test.
While Khan Academy's math section for the SAT should be good to go, I highly recommend, in addition, College Panda's SAT Math Workbook. It is hands down one of, if not, the best SAT math resource I've seen. The book received a 4.9 out of 5 stars with 41 reviews, to add on.
College Panda's writing or Meltzer's Grammar (same as writing) is a great resource for SAT writing.
Can you get any of these 9 books?
2 The College Panda's 10 Practice Tests
3.The Complete Guide to ACT English, 2nd Edition
The Official SAT Subject Tests
Ivy Global's ACT Guide, 1st Edition
6.The Complete Guide to ACT English, 2nd Edition
8 Peterson's ACT Prep Guide PLUS 2016 1st Edition
9 For the Love of ACT Science: