I really enjoyed this graphic novel about the history of beer and different brewing methods.
Really enjoyed The Comic Book Story of Beer
I would love this as well because I'm geeky like that. Books that I found interesting that you might as well:
-The Comic Book Story of Beer: A fun way to learn more about the history of beer as beverage. It goes into I'd say a medium amount of detail, enough that if you wanted to go deeper you'd have the right search terms. Plus it's a comic book...bonus! Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Comic-Book-Story-Beer-Revolution/dp/1607746352
-National Geographic Atlas of Beer: Another medium level detail book about beer all over the world for a more global perspective plus it's National Geographic so the photography is gorgeous. Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/National-Geographic-Atlas-Beer-Globe-Trotting/dp/1426218338/
-Radical Brewing: Even if you don't homebrew I feel like this book is worth picking up, especially early on in your beer journey because it gives you an idea of what wide range of styles and ingredients can make up a "Beer" (with a capital B). Also, it's a good introduction to Randy Mosher who is a Beer Geek (with a capital B and a capital G). Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Brewing-Recipes-World-Altering-Meditations/dp/0937381837
If anyone has any other books along the same lines they enjoy, feel free to share them.
The Comic Book Story of Beer. Super easy read, very fun and informative. I have this book permanently on my coffee table at home. Beautiful artwork too.
Check this out for a quick read on the cultural history of beer - https://www.amazon.ca/Comic-Book-Story-Beer-Revolution/dp/1607746352
Possibly not as complete as you're wanting, but The Comic Book Story of Beer is entertaining and enlightening.