One to check out that I don't see on your shelf: The Complete Book of Ketones
I'm looking for a good carnivore book. What I'd like it to have is a list of all the cuts of meat I might find in a grocery store and how to best prepare them, so for instance if I see that x is on sale I can know whether it's worthwhile to stock up and what to do with them. (For instance, some roasts can be cut into steaks especially if you're going to sous vide them anyway.) Also would like to have keto/carnivore preparation recommendations for liver, kidney, heart, etc. Is that something you've come across?
The Complete Book of Ketones, Mary T. Newport, M.D., 2019.
The author's husband developed early onset Alzheimer's disease and after they adopted a ketogenic diet and started taking MCT oil he showed marked signs of cognitive improvement. This book goes through a lot of the research regarding the relatively nascent science of ketones. Still reading it, but I've had quite a few "aha!" moments.