This wouldn't show up while searching in the app for some reason, but upon websearching I've found it is indeed available on Amazon (at least in the US) and way less than I expected it to cost!
I have a book called 'The Complete Tales Of H.P Lovecraft' think it might be what your looking for!
Rock Point Here's the article on Amazon:
This Amazon page has a picture of a table of contents. As far I can tell looks complete.
Here's my read for the weekend to get into the mood:
Without H P Lovecraft, you wouldn't get Stephen King or Clive Barker or Neil Gaiman or Guillermo Del Toro. The man influenced generations of horror storytellers with his visions of macabre, cosmic terror. Why, I'd probably end up writing romance novels if I hadn't come across H P Lovecraft. If you're looking for the first real attempt at packaging existential dread into the literary form in modern history, this is a very strong recommendation.
P.S. The H P stands for Howard Phillips, and not, as my cousin wrongly posited, Harry Potter.
Thanks. I thought I remember reading reviews that the B&N version had a lot of errors in the text. The Knickerbocker is by far the most attractive looking, which makes me want to get that one. Which by the way, do you know anything about this upcoming release? It's also Knickerbocker. Do you think it's the same exact version with a slightly different cover? Perhaps, it's fixed typos and errors? Maybe I'll wait for that one.