Hey there - Good news! Fasting and Keto are like magic for T2 diabetes.
I'm 53 and you can absolutely regain control over your blood sugar. I got my A1C down from 13.5 to 4.9 in 9 months. I'm off all medications and delicious food is my diabetes medicine for life! I also lost 40 lbs which was a huge help. With zero exercise. I can eat 100 calories in 30 seconds, but it takes an hour to exercise it off- I can't outrun my fork.
This is where fasting/keto really help. Use Keto to switch your body from sugar-burning to fat-burning and you won't even feel hungry most of the time. I swear! Get that battery around your belly working and it's always feeding you.
Here is the simple rule - If you don't want sugar in your blood, don't put it in you mouth. It's really thay easy.
I don't eat bread, pasta or potatoes. ZERO added sugar in anything. I eat all the meat and veggies I want. It's literally that easy. Toes are more important than french-fries - trust me!
You should check out /r/keto for lots of amazing recipes and advice.
PM me or reply here if you want any advice or support, I;d be glad to share my experience.
You should for sure check out Dr. Jason Fun's The Diabetes Code he has reversed T2 diabetes in hundreds of his patients.
Best of luck to you!
I recommend reading Dr Fung’s Diabetes Code, it’s full of research on IF and diabetics
The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Wellness Code Book Two) (The Code Series, 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1771642653/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CQRT31RDV617X3ETF7HZ
I hate to get very far into The Diet Wars, but this is the reference: Here
I am a nobody, but this approach has worked for me. My last A1c was 5.3, triglycerides 54 and good cholesterol numbers. At the same time my wife needs an entirely different approach, so I am in the "there is no one magic diet" camp.
CGMs are chaging the world. I highly recommend The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Wellness Code Book Two) (The Code Series, 2): Fung, Dr. Jason, Teicholz, Nina: 9781771642651: Amazon.com: Books Your local library probably has several copies. Dr. Fung has numerous YT vids and podcasts on reversing diabetes if you ever need inspo. There is even an upcoming reality show on this topic, I saw an ad somewhere. Fantastic bandwagon for folks to jump on.
Nut butter (unsweetened), just a spoon should do it, or a cheese stick were helpful to a relative. Over time you will not need it. Are you on meds or insulin? If so, with fasting work with your doc to adjust so they do not become too strong.
Another book by medical doctor, Jason Fung, note the word "reverse" in the title in the diabetes context as well.
Here is a book that will explain diabetes and how to reverse it. I have successfully reversed mine. Also I don't eat chapatti and rice at all if I eat my blood sugar goes up. This book will explain everything else:
Not at all! Just recommending again read Dr Jason Fungs book - "The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally"
And read the reviews, it saved so many peoples lives. 11,000 plus reviews overwhelmingly positive. https://www.amazon.com/Diabetes-Code-Prevent-Reverse-Naturally/dp/1771642653
My doctor told me to read this
It worked. No meds, coded "resolved", A1c now in the low 5's.
For what it is worth.
> I have been trying to track down the core of what caused my insulin insensitivity in the first place
Give “The Diabetes Code” by Dr Jason Fung a read - it’s great.
The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Code Series, 2) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1771642653/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_Z1AF44BCSVXSN8QNCK2C
Like the others said, you should definitely clear it with your doctor first. However, my dad has basically eliminated all indicators of T2 diabetes by following this book:
I haven't read it, but it seems like he's basically IF + Keto.
This book will educate both of you and should be able to get off all T2 meds if you take this seriously.
Following the suggestions in this book will also be helpful to your PCOS.
I really recommned
You are very close to prediabetes and that is on metformin if I am reading correctly? It has turned around the health of many, including a close relative.
This book was really helpful to a relative, his health had been declining. Now he is off all diabetes meds, no insulin.
Don’t worry it’s not a death sentence! When i was first diagnosed my A1c was 9.something. In four ish months i got it down to 5.6. Low carb diet, water, and exersize.
Listen/read this book:
Anyone in this situation should read “The Diabetes Code” book by Dr. Jason Fung.
Read Dr Jason Fung book: the diabetic code. He’s a big proponent of IFThe Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Wellness Code Book Two) (The Code Series, 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1771642653/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_S8EJZEMXHYSRW6TJ0F3Q
With the news, I would consider setting yourself up for success long term by considering a more omni diet. It has better nutrition and you can eat whole foods and not as much processed food, which is better for health and more sustainable.
Meat has B12, choline and other nutrients that are hard to get in a vegan diet. Processed soy is typically GMO and may have estrogenic effects. Meat also triggers satiety in a way that carbs do not, our body has hormones that register protein and fat. It is easier to get carbs low and keep them there eating an omni diet. A LC/keto diet will quickly reverse the diabetes and keep it under control, the hypertension tends to take a bit more time. But, your call.
It is possible to eat keto vegan but it does involve highly processed food and is sub-par nutritionally. If you make diet changes that stick, it will be setting you on a sustainable path to health. "Shock" is not long term esp when your body is already ill.
The Diabetes Code is a great place to start. Dr. Fung is basically the godfather of fasting.
The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Wellness Code Book Two) Part of: The Code Series (2 Books) | by Dr. Jason Fung and Nina Teicholz | Apr 3, 2018
If you are not familiar with the Diet Doctor site, great place to check out. Any videos by Dr. Jason Fung or Dr. Eric Wesman on YT are great, Dr. Westman runs the obesity medicine clinic at Duke. He has a manner very much like Mr. Rogers and his niche is making keto as simple as possible and pretty much guaranteed to be successful for all. Both docs have done much to restore people with your issues to good health. Diet is key, so again, sustainable and most nutritious is a real consideration.
Vids on carb addiction by Dr. Cywes are super helpful too. Cutting carbs is the quickest way to reverse diabetes and hypertension and keep them in remission. He is another proponent of eating whole foods and meat. He lost something like 90 lbs himself, so, inspo. He is also a bariatric surgeon, so understands all the angles.
Understanding Carb Addiction Part 1 - by Dr. Robert Cywes
Good luck! Please come back with updates on how you are doing. Congrats on taking well timed steps to get healthier!
Get this book & read it, will answer a lot of your questions & educate you about T2D all at once
Honestly I would say the waves of hunger don't change that much and you do kind of enjoy them after a bit.. Like sore muscles the day after a workout.
Cravings.... They get weird after about 50 hrs man. I'll suddenly be ideating about a food I haven't had in years, and once the fast is over, I go house it. But it will absolutely fill my mind for the last day or two. Once it was White Castle.. not proud lol.
Really, I think OP's experiencing just some liquid / hydration slamming a completely empty colon.. I just had a colonoscopy and it was an extreme version of this, and only took ~ 30 hrs of fasting and some prescribed laxatives. DO NOT TAKE LAXATIVES, just pointing out a correlation.
Benefits: Fun & Easy -- with until the end though, and the mice (or fast forward). List of benefits by hour. Book that gets into the science really well
I'd say your doctor is really giving you the best suggestion / advice.
Typically per Professor Roy Taylor if you can lose 1 ounce of fat from your pancreas you'll no longer be suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. (T2DM).
I've lost 27lbs since January. I've not recently had an A1c done but I don't think I'm any longer diabetic.
Are you a "TOFi?" that is "Thin on the Outside and Fat on the Inside?" I had a BMI in 2014 of 30.7 now its 25.1
What you probably suffer from is Insulin resistance. IR (is a known phenomenon) especially if you are injecting insulin right now.
Constantly running (or injecting) = high insulin make it almost impossible to lose weight. If you lose weight you'll lose T2DM. I'd recommend reading this book by Dr Jason Fung's
Your doctor is genuinely trying to help you with Ozempic (in my opinion)
Good luck to you..
Those are the ones I can find written by a medical doctor who treats Type 2 diabetics in his clinic on a daily basis.
I'm sure there are tons of others out there too. But I don't have the time to Google for you.
Or you can just keep taking insulin, which causes weight gain and makes Type 2 diabetes worse. Your #1 goal as a T2 should be to do whatever it takes to get off of any kind of insulin as quickly as possible.
You should read Dr, Jason Fung's book The Diabetes Code.
This book explains a lot of the reasons why if you are curious.
If you cant afford a copy PM me your address.
Here's another book you may want to check out. You can also watch his youtube videos.
Oh :(
Some sources suggest that type 2 diabetes can be put into remission.
I've never had diabetes. But I was overweight until after I read and started following the advice in one of Dr. Fung's books.
Cc: /u/madpiratebippy.
Read this book to understand the science and how to choose the correct foods.
Dr Fung Book: The Diabetes Code
Dr Fung Videos:
How to reverse diabetes Reverse T2 Naturally A Low Carb Diet Plan
Research these Doctors on YouTube. Use search words like "Insulin Resistance" "Reverse Diabetes" :
Dr Ben Bikman
Dr. Bret Scher (Diet Doctor)
Dennis Pollock (Beat Diabetes)
Dr. Sten Ekberg
Test your blood with a glucose monitor after meals to determine how your meal effects your blood glucose and understand how that effects your insulin levels. I personally expect my blood to be 110 or less 2 hours after a meal. Others test after 1 hour. Just be consistent.
You will soon discover which foods to avoid. For me I avoid rice, potato, pasta, some fruits and bread/wheat. Don't snack between meals, and most advice from nutritionists will only make your problem worse over time.
Carbohydrates are labeled on food packaging.
Read this book to understand your issue and how to eat to control your blood glucose. The Diabetes Code
Good Video: Dr Ekberg
Another: Dr. Bikman
The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Wellness Code Book Two) (The Code Series, 2): Fung, Dr. Jason, Teicholz, Nina: 9781771642651: Amazon.com: Books might be a good read for you re: both diabetes and PCOS.
In my case, my insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia worsening led to sudden and increasing gain.
End Your Carb Confusion: A Simple Guide to Customize Your Carb Intake for Optimal Health: Westman, Dr. Eric, Berger MS CNS, Amy: 9781628604290: Amazon.com: Books was really helpful to me, there are case studies of people reversing both diabetes and PCOS and it is a very straightforward approach. This article on PCOS by the co-author is excellent
Tuit Nutrition: The PCOS Post: Hormonal Havoc From Hyperinsulinemia
Also be sure to get plenty of sleep and manage stress, cortisol can also cause weight gain and it increases insulin resistance.
Take good care!
This book was very helpful for me:
The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally
Is specific to Diabetes. I haven't read it.
This book I have read and it discusses Diabetes as well here and there. I am a diabetic and it has helped me
I think he has other books on it too.
If you Google his name plus diabetes you will find an overwhelming amount of information! There are a bunch of youtube videos such as this one and he has podcasts as well.
Him being focused on diabetics as a doctor and being one of the leading sources and proponent of intermittent fasting means there is a ton of resources!
Your body is not ruined, this is a catalyst to turn your health around and put both the prediatbetes and PCOS symptoms in remission.
Highly recommend inositol and berberine supplements, they have an effect similar to metformin but without the GI issues. Inositol is also great for hair growth and mood.
You can change all of this and take control of your health, best to you!
OP, I highly recommend The Diabetes Code.
Your local library surely has it.
A lot of people have tremendous success with keto and or IF, both have subs here and you could look into the books by or website articles of Dr. Jason Fung. Some do both keto and IF and have huge health gains. It can be easier to lose weight when off the sugar/insulin roller coaster and both keto and IF work on insulin resistance.
Many libraries have paper or electronic copies
I just finished reading recently Dr. Jason Fung's book The Diabetes Code and I think this is exactly what you need.
BTW I don't have diabetes, but have some preconditions for it and am getting a hold of it before it actually develops.