Here is the book I use to serve the Liturgy: <strong>The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints John Chrysostom: Slavonic-English Parallel Text</strong>. It's a pocket-size book, but the print is not too tiny. It's got all the priest's silent prayers (which may be nice if you wonder what he's doing while you're singing. :-)
The Slavonic text is in the "old orthography" which can take a little getting used to, but it's mostly just a fancy typeface.
This book reflects ROCOR practice, so it is almost identical to Moscow Patriarchate practice, and not very different from what's done in OCA parishes in my experience.
Right now, during Lent, on Sundays we're actually serving the Liturgy fo St Basil. That means the priest has other [longer] private prayers, and one song is different, but otherwise it's identical, so this book is good year-round.
I've been serving from it in English and Slavonic for a couple of years and I'm happy with it.