This can even be a danger later on, after you've met them and established a relationship.
Suddenly you might find yourself seeing them less and less, even though they live close by "because you are both sooo busy", while they are still texting you round the clock as if you were their girlfriend.
As Lue wrote:
>In this modern age of texts, email, Facebook, online dating, and casual relationships, it's never been so easy to find yourself in a crumb filled fantasy relationship.
>An increasing number of people are satisfied with sprinklings of attention and interaction which they use to give themselves the illusion of being loved, cared for and in control because they get to avoid commitment, intimacy, and 'full-on' rejection.
Maybe this book this help also look into co-dependency
The Dreamer and the Fantasy Relationship
Read this book. "The Dreamer and the Fantasy Relationship"