They aren’t going to get vaccinated...They are going to try to destroy vaccines! Anything that prolongs human life is anathema to The Goose.
I believe this book has all the answers any of you need on this subject. It states pretty clearly that PETA and all the other Duck sympathizers are not to be trusted, and that the only good Duck (or goose) is one that’s dead,and eaten or stuffed to show the rest of the population what’s going to happen to them if they step wrong.
Excellent... Prepare them for when The Duck rises up against humanity!
He clearly needs to read this book\_rd\_p=2d1ab404-3b11-4c97-b3db-48081e145e35&pf\_rd\_r=D88RX86WYVKT6VF6WRMJ
So literally what was warned about in this book.