“Agradezco”! Thank you for the new word!
De nada, mi hermano. Después de un buen número de décadas, he descubierto que mi propósito es aprender, enseñar, leer, escribir. Estas son las cosas que me dan la mayor satisfacción y, francamente, también son las cosas que me convencen de que tengo una razón para vivir.
A kind person offered a correction to my comment, but I believe that I am correct. When I have a question about English grammar, this is the first place I go: https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Style-Fourth-William-Strunk-ebook/dp/B0771WKC7H/ref=sr_1_2?crid=11T5MCC336BN5&keywords=elements+of+style+4th+edition+by+strunk+%26+white&qid=1667919566&sprefix=Elements+of+style%2Caps%2C304&sr=8-2&am.... There are, of course, many other fine reference materials. There is also a lot of crap.
I will always be happy to hear from you by comment or DM, though I will not always be able to reply within a day or even a year. But I never ignore a kind soul. If I don’t reply, you know that I wished to reply.
De nuevo, paz a ti, mi hermano. Que Jesús siempre te sostenga a ti y a tu familia en la palma de su mano.