This is a neat list, but I agree with some of the other commenters--I think it's easy to mis-use this sort of list as an excuse to slip into lazy writing.
Personally, I suggest Angela Ackerman's book "The Emotion Thesaurus." I like her book because it focuses on the psychological aspects of human emotions, and the physiological effects they can possibly have. She doesn't just list a bunch of physical actions, but rather takes the time to delve into what sort of character would use a certain set of actions, and when might be appropriate to include them. It's only a couple bucks on Amazon, if you want to check it out:
Another amazing reference for learning how to show character feelings is the Emotions Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. They have a whole series of similar books on other subjects, as well as a website - One Stop For Writers - that are also awesome resources.
What are you describing? Are you describing emotions? Physical characteristics? Location? Action? Amazon has all kinds of books that focus on particular subjects and how to describe them; for example, The Emotion Thesaurus and Writing Vivid Settings. If you take a look at those two, it will lead you to other books that focus on how to write descriptions.
If I implied it's free, that was a mistake. I bought it and have the kindle version bookmarked.
This book is a good resource for possible body language. This page is also worth checking out. Keep in mind that this sort of thing doesn't have to be in your first draft if writing it doesn't come easily to you. You can add it in later when you edit. I would also suggest paying attention when you read books and note how different authors handle it. You can glean some interesting possibilities from that.
I'd suggest looking at the emotion atlas.
I cannot recommend The Emotion Thesaurus enough!