>I am in high school. In europe high school grades matter a lot. And I know it. I am pretty smart I guess but I don't know how to study. > >I need to study to achieve better grades. B's and C's arent really enough. And I dont usually study because I don't know how to study. > >What study method should I use to study guys? > >I've tried reading and taking notes (aka copying from the textbook and altering the word order sometimes),doing exercises isn't working. I want to understand the material and get better grades and learn but idk what to do > >What should I do?
I learned note taking from a book called The Evelyn Woods Speed Reading and Learning Program . It absolutely changed everything about how I approached every class. I feel I retain more, and when I choose to I can crank up to about 700wpm when I'm reading and still retain most of the information. (Real speed readers who actually train for it can read 1400+ wpm. JFK was known for reading 1-3 novels a day.)
This: https://www.amazon.com/Evelyn-Seven-Day-Reading-Learning-Program/dp/1566194024/
There's all kinds of interesting stuff in there about the problem of getting past subvocalization and such.