If you are in a situation where you can hear / see them, I’ve had considerable success with one of these: The Executioner Fly Killer.
Looks like a mini tennis racket, has a parallel series of wires/rods, and every other wire is connected to a very high voltage (but low amperage) electrical circuit, powered by a battery in the handle. The remaining wires are ground. Sweep it through the air and if it connects with a mosquito or moth or similar, said mosquito will almost certainly make contact with one of the live wires and the an adjacent ground. This runs a jolt of current through them, instantly vaporizing all the water in their body, resulting in a surprisingly loud, and quite satisfying, POP.
I’ve had use for this in the house for time to time, if one gets in, and I take it to family’s backyard gatherings. One of my nieces is particularly fascinated, and insists we test it every time (you can do this safely with the end of a blade of grass). FWIW, I’ve triggered it on my finger intentionally (to better know what to expect, under controlled circumstances), and it’s a good little jolt, but with no lasting effects. But if you’re the size of, well, a mosquito, it’s instant death.
Taking out the invasion fleet, one mosquito at a time.
(And no, no association with the company, it’s not even an affiliate link, I just really like killing mosquitoes.)
Good luck on your trip! I just drove from vt to ca with my son and we took a month and a half to go through the middle to colorado then north to glacier national park, west to the coast and then south through shasta and lassen in a vw jetta wagon, which was a bit cramped for two, but we made it work. I have been considering the odyssey as an upgrade for the next trip. Way more room. Oh, something i forgot to mention. If mosquitos are a problem and you still want the windows cracked as much as possible, which you probably will, try getting a roll of bugscreen and double sided sticky tape. Cut the screen to fit the window and tape it on. An upgrade to that might be to use magnets to make it easier to remove and put back as needed. Also, this thing is insane if you need vengeance on a pesky skeeter.
I get loads of flies in my flat and I use this. You have to be a little patient sometimes to hit them (it's easier when they've landed on something) but it really packs a wallop.
I zapped 8 of the bastards yesterday!
Get an electric flyswatter, we have one like this https://www.amazon.com/Sourcing4U-Limited-Executioner-Mosquito-Swatter/dp/B000MU2MJA/ref=mp_s_a_1_10_sspa?keywords=electric+fly+swatter&qid=1569512084&s=gateway&sr=8-10-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExMzJOM0pBNEZET...
Are we supposed to provide a link? I wasn’t sure.
When it's not so hot I like to zap the buggers!
The bark is scarier than it's bite. The sound it makes is much more daunting than it's actual "Zap". When it hits a fly - "CRACK". When it hits my shoulder (for a test) - it makes the same "CRACK" - but the actual zap was not that bad. We have "The Executioner"
As for impact, the wire grill is pretty sturdy, but not enough for actual impact play. It will break. We put a little pressure on it, and it started to bend, so, it had been relegated to fly killing (It's Actual purpose), even though it was bought to zap me originally.
There is a paddle that can be electrified by Kinklab - Kinklab Thunder Clap Electro Paddle - that I've had my eye on... I own a Violet Wand, but have yet to actually play with it (I was actually thinking about breaking it open today...)
So, that's an alternative if you have that...
Hey, that’s the same electric guitar that I have! It’s amazing. If you want one of these bad boys to make your own music, I highly recommend:
That makes a salty mess. I prefer the executioner. It makes a satisfying zap noise when the bug parts explode.
I got me one of these https://www.amazon.com/Sourcing4U-Limited-Executioner-Mosquito-Swatter/dp/B000MU2MJA
The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. I feel like there are better choices than using a package for it, but a phobic reaction is what it is.
One of those better choices might be to carry a weapon designed for the purpose. I'd suggest something like https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000MU2MJA/
The Executioner. We got one yesterday after seeing it on another sub and my husband has been tearing up the flat trying to find more to kill.
Not sure but I have this one Had mine for years but they all work the same.
Here you go. An absolute essential for the summer. You'll never have imagined that bug zapping could be such fun.
This reminds me of my favorite bug-killing tool.
one of the best things i've ever bought: The Executioner Fly Swat Wasp Bug Mosquito Swatter Zapper
Or one of these
Non-mobile: Electric fly swatter
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
Damn! I really wanted to try out my new executioner fly swatter!