To be successful in ghostwriting, I think it takes three main skills:
1. Knowing the skill and craft of writing and structuring books.
2. Being good at networking and building relationships.
3. Being able to write in your client's voice and translate their desires/stories/ideas into a great book.
Oh, and you really have to leave your ego at the door since you're serving someone else's vision for their book.
Yes, I've published several books as a ghostwriter, but the only one I can currently tell you about is the most recent one, which was just released last month with HarperCollins. I wrote it with Elvis Presley's brother. I can talk about it publicly since my name was on the book:
Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers.
Question | Answer | Link |
Should I really believe it's you writing this rather than someone doing it on your behalf? Seems sketchy. | Ha! Well played. :) | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup3tmw/) |
How long have you been dead | Only a few hours. As soon as I have another energy drink I'll come back to life. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup5m20/) |
For whom do yo write? | Business leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs, or anyone with a story they want to tell. Occasionally I'll do a celebrity-based type of book, as in this one: | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup3tzd/) |
Have you become successful? Got any published? | To be successful in ghostwriting, I think it takes three main skills: 1. Knowing the skill and craft of writing and structuring books. 2. Being good at networking and building relationships. 3. Being able to write in your client's voice and translate their desires/stories/ideas into a great book. Oh, and you really have to leave your ego at the door since you're serving someone else's vision for their book. Yes, I've published several books as a ghostwriter, but the only one I can currently tell you about is the most recent one, which was just released last month with HarperCollins. I wrote it with Elvis Presley's brother. I can talk about it publicly since my name was on the book: | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup3upi/) |
How do you become one? Do you actually do any writing? Or are you just the guy pretending to do the writing | People get into ghostwriting in different ways. Me personally, I sort of stumbled into it. I used to be a college prof, but then I wanted to transition away from that because the higher ed industry is not doing too well. I had written some books before, so I knew the process. I started telling people in my network I was building a writing business. Once I got my first client, things picked up from there. And yes, I do lots of writing. Although at times I hire another writer to help with a given project. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup3wco/) |
Your rate? | It has varied as I've gotten more experienced, and it depends a lot on the specifics of the project. Professional ghostwriting ranges anywhere from $15k to upwards of 6 figures for highly experienced professionals. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iupiq45/) |
Who's your favorite ghost? | Definitely Casper | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup3v8d/) |
How does ghost writing work exactly? They take a break or something and you just fill in? Do you work on works of art like writing for a TV show or anything? | No, I work exclusively on books. The general process is that I meet with the client and find out what they want to accomplish with their book. Sometimes it's a memoir, sometimes a business book, or personal growth, etc. (I don't write fiction.) Then we outline the book, we usually do calls to gather stories and information, then I write and rewrite until they are happy with the book. I'm simplifying it quite a bit but that's the general process. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup5n1t/) |
Are you old enough to remeber 'ghostwriter' the tween show from '93ish? If so, how old were you, and what were your thoughts onnlife at that at time | I very vaguely remember something about that show, but not much else. I was in college during the early 90's so had my nose in the books most of the time. :) My thoughts on life during that time ... I was in college to be a pastor. That transitioned into being a church music director, which led to being a college prof, which led me into ghostwriting and being an author, writing coach, and podcaster. At time in life I had no clue the direction things would eventually go. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iupftu9/) |
Who is your favorite friend from high school, and why is it me? Lol | Prob has something to do with the fact that went to the same church, you're an awesome musician, and an all-around fantastic human being :) | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iup9oqg/) |
What is the most famous thing you have ever written? What made you become a ghost writer? And how do you feel about writing for someone else? | The most well-known project I've written is "The Faith of Elvis," written for Billy Stanley, Elvis Presley's step-brother. I got into ghostwriting because I wanted to transition away from my college job and wanted a business I could do from home, and also involved my main marketable skill, which is writing. I actually enjoy writing for others, in addition to doing my own books. When you write for others, in their voice and telling their stories, you learn a lot about other people's lives and businesses. It's a great education in areas you previously didn't know much about -- almost like getting paid to learn. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iuptpwn/) |
Do you or would you ever help a screenwriter write a script and if so, would you demand more money or recognition if the film got made and ended up being super popular like Slumdog Millionaire? | That's a fantastic question. I would definitely consider all opportunities that come my way. Screenwriting is different beast than writing books because "ghostwriting" is not really a thing when it comes to screenwriting, unless you could "script doctors" who do uncredited work on screenplays. Honestly, I think it would be a blast to work on a screenplay with someone. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iupuxlu/) |
What's the most famous person who you know used ghostwriters? (Not you necessarily) | A couple people who come to mind off the top of my head are Will Smith, who used a ghostwriter for his biography that came out last year (although the writer was credited on the book). Also, Michelle Obama, who also used a ghostwriter. I know Prince Harry also used a ghostwriter for his upcoming book. I don't at all look down on people who use ghostwriters because if your talent is not writing, then you are better served spending your time doing things that align with your gifts, and let writers shape and tell your story in the best way possible. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iuq0lln/) |
How much do you normally charge | Ghostwriting can range from around $15k on the low end to well into the 6 figures for pros who've been doing it a long time. My current rate is $50-75k per book, depending on the complexity of the book, how many interviews we need to do, whether there are ancillary products involved like workbooks or journals, and that type of thing. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iuq2pip/) |
What is it more precisely? What's the last dream you remember having? | Honestly, I don't remember. I forget my dreams pretty fast after waking up. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iuq88g3/) |
How did you get your job? | I told people I was building a ghostwriting business. Over time, they began to associate me with ghostwriting, and I eventually got my first client. That's a simplified version, but that's the gist of it. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iuqr1b6/) |
How do you get motivation?? I am trying to be a ghostwriter and cannot organize myself. Always doing everything on the last minute, trying to be perfect? Any advice? | For sure. You might need to clear your schedule more if you are feeling hurried or frustrated about not having enough time. I'd say saying "no" to more things to focus on what's most important. At the beginning of the week, I list out all my big projects and block out time on my calendar so I can give them proper time. This really helps me stay organized. It's also important to hang around other writers, and people who are moving in the same direction as you, or doing the same kind of work you want to do. I humbly recommend checking out my Daily Writer Club, which is group for writers. A big part of success in writing is having some encouragement and accountability. You can check it out here: | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iurm2vt/) |
Who is your favourite ghost to write about | Definitely Casper. Or Christmas Past. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iurm9zw/) |
Did you write art of the deal | Nope, that was another writer :) | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iusa4hc/) |
If peanut butter wasn’t called “peanut butter” what would it be called? | Beanut Putter. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iusjxm8/) |
Whats ghost riding? Is it expensive/do you earn much? | Ghostwriting is writing a book for someone else, and you do not get credit (generally). Yes, ghostwriting can be fairly expensive, depending on a lot of factors. I earn what I would describe as a good living. | [Here](/r/AMA/comments/yjovh1/im_a_fulltime_ghostwriter_ama/iusswb2/) |
Business leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs, or anyone with a story they want to tell. Occasionally I'll do a celebrity-based type of book, as in this one: