Pat Dorsey - The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar's Guide to Building Wealth and Winning in the Market
Good tips on analysis including how to evaluate sustainable competitive advantages (moats).
Gives examples of how to look at various industries.
Heather Brilliant - Why Moats Matter
She took over where Dorsey left off. Literally & figuratively.
There are many approaches to value investing, from a high-level there are two broad categories:
I prefer the second approach as relative valuation (as is the case with any metric) is subject to distortion (though the first approach can be useful in terms of finding investment candidates).
Here are a few books that I have found practical and useful (listed in order of complexity):
Here is an earlier comment on overall investment process that may be of interest. Be aware also that value investing has had a rather difficult past few years :-) and this should be expected as no strategy works all the time (though long periods of under-performance can be very trying :).
I really like Pat Dorsey's book.
Heather Brilliant did a good follow up.