Ja natuurlijk ken ik dat woord
EDIT: na het artikel gelezen te hebben snap ik wat het is. Wel een goed idee lijkt me. Heb onlangs The Fix gelezen. Beetje een downer maar wel een aanrader.
I've heard it said that the best way to fix corruption in FIFA is to ditch Addidas for Puma. Actually, he said it was probably the only way. The author of ... hang a sec ... Declan Hill
There's a whole book that covers this and other nefarious involvement in football called The Fix by Declan Hill. I haven't read it in years but I really enjoyed it.
Read this... which includes a fixed match at the 2006 World Cup.
Are you in the UK? The amazon I frequent has an average rating of 4 stars.
Some are pretty egregious and the authorities aren't really doing everything they can.
It can ruin games and harm the integrity of tournaments. God knows I am never forgetting that Turk.
The Fix: Soccer and Organized Crime
Awesome read. As a criminal justice major and soccer fan this was just the perfect combo, for me at least. Makes me think that match fixing is a lot more prevalent that we'd like to admit.