This is the book he had in his house. Famous photographers took pictures of adults and children in classical poses. It is not CP any more than Michaelangelo is porn. The kids aren't even naked. They're wearing fucking togas and shit. Like cherubs on the roof of the cistine chapel. This book you can buy on Amazon is not enough to accuse someone of owning CP.
Ye I get that actually. I never really dived into the whole Michael Jackson thing so I don't really have an opinion, it's just that this police report piqued my interest.
See also this amazon report and user reviews about the book in question: The Fourth Sex: Adolescent Extremes
From the reviews and abstract it doesn't strike me as pedophilic at all. Arousing yes. And maybe pornographic but it doesn't seem to deal with children at all. Nothing about "innocence" and "openess" and that bullshit.
Quoting myself here:
> They only found one book found that featured 'nude children' at Neverland- here it is for sale on Amazon. It's an artbook.
> Okay, very good, and the fact that a 13 year old Jordie Chandler gave a detailed description of Michael's penis and testicles to the DA. How exactly did that come about?
The Jordan Chandler who described Michael's penis as circumscribed when it wasn't? That Jordan Chandler? You are grossly misinformed.
> Let's imagine he wasn't a musician and it was just some rich guy behaving the way Michael did.
If Michael wasn't a rich guy the accusations would have never happened. Evan Chandler is on tape talking about extorting Michael:
> "If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever ... Michael's career will be over."
The dude was $60,000 behind on child support payments and only began accusing Michael after Michael refused to give him that exact amount of money. He also tried to murder his son in 2005 after an argument (who filed for emancipation). Then he killed himself right after Michael died. There was no evidence Michael was in any way sexually involved with Evan Chandler- Evan even described Michael's penis as circumcised when he wasn't.
The second trial was more absurd then the first. The family had a long history of extortion and their story changed so often (it even changed while they were on the stand) it shouldn't have even been tried. Here's what a juror said about it:
> "It was pretty obvious that there was no molestation done. It was pretty obvious that there were ulterior motives on behalf of the family. And the mother, she orchestrated the whole thing…that’s my opinion. But there wasn’t a shred of evidence that was able to show us or give us any doubt in voting guilty."
You think any of that would have happened if he wasn't one of the richest and most successful personalities on earth? You can't just pretend his life and upbringing don't count. Michael was a weird dude- he was eccentric and a warped sense of himself. Not everything Michael did was appropriate either, but there's a difference between that and child molestation of which, again, there is absolutely 0 evidence of- even after the police tore his house apart (twice) and interviewed hundreds of maids, bodyguards, friends, colleagues, and staff members.
> lots of kids came forward
No, they didn't. Cite a credible instance of lots of kids 'coming forward' or fuck off.
> "These materials include 'a book depicting nude children' found in the singer's 'arcade room'; 'a book which contained nude photographs of men' in the 'master bathroom'; and multiple books found in the 'master bedroom' that included one with 'naked and semi-naked gay men' and another with 'pre-teen or early teenage individuals' who in some cases were 'nude or semi-nude'."
They only found one book found that featured 'nude children' at Neverland- here it is for sale on Amazon. It's an artbook. They found porn- sure. But none of it was illegal or deemed worth of further investigation. The Rader report that most of these allegations come from was retracted when authorities refuted the claims.
These newest claims are equally as unfounded and there's a reason why this 'documentary' provides no actual new evidence and purposefully excluded interviewing anyone outside of the accusers and some of their immediate family.
This podcast goes indepth into the accusations against Michael. They're absurd. I encourage you to listen to it.
>I want real evidence. I want kiddy-porn, I want semen stains, I want a doctor's report on one of the "victims" confirming that this person had been sexually abused.
Well, suspicious books were found in Michaels home, however they were categorized as inadmissible evidence because technically they're commercially based art books that can be bought by anyone. But, I want you to take a look at the books in question. If you google each title and search by "image", you'll be able to see some of the contents of each book. Most of them feature fully or partially nude children (and adults). They are not explicitly sexual in nature, but consider that these books were found in home of a person accused of child sexual assault.
The Fourth Sex: Adolescent Extreme
Excerpt from the sheriff report
>None of the above note books contained materials, which depicted illegal activities (including sexual acts with children). None of the books would meet legal requirements to be considered child pornography. Based on my training, this type of material can be used as part of a "grooming" process by which people (those seeking to molest children) are able to lower the inhibitions of their intended victims and facilitate the molestation of said victims.
Now, I think it's interesting to note that Corey Feldman (Who has thus far defended Jackson and denied ever being abused by him) said this
>ABC's Martin Bashir asked Corey if the Thriller star had ever acted inappropriately towards him.
>The actor said: "If you consider it inappropriate for a man to look at a book of naked pictures with a child that's 13 or 14 years old - then your answer would be yes.
>"We went to his apartment, and I noticed a book that he had out on his coffee table.
>“The book contained pictures of grown men and women naked. And the book was focused on venereal diseases and the genitalia."
>“I was kind of grossed out by it. I didn't think of it as a big deal.
Jordie Chandler positively identified the particular discolorations on Jacksons genitals