It's these guys on the internet who give out advice about how to get girls interested in them. It was made famous by this book.
Even if it is a pick up artist gimick that he is doing, I wouldn't necessarily assume that he's fully immersed in it and using some elaborate system (though maybe he is). If you're a guy and you just google around for advice about dating you're bound to stumble across this stuff at some point. Could be some isolated piece of advice he stumbled upon. But in general if a guy is doing something that is both weird and deliberate on a date I would assume it's some weird piece of pick up artist advice.
I read The Game when I was in my early 20s and the techniques it describes work quite well.
some of you have never read the game, and it shows
I found this guy doing some crypto research, as he's an influencer in the BCH adoption space, but as I went back in time through his videos I saw he got his start as a follower of The Game and he would post videos of his pickups so that others could see how it's done. He's a Cali American I believe (David Bond is a nom de plume for Steven Mapel, a computer technician at California State University), and here's a cringy video of him picking up a girl at the Eaton's Centre. I debated whether or not I should post this, but decided to so that young girls and women can see who some of these people are. Better to know than not know.
This was one of the guys that was featured in The Game right?
While I don't know too much about the context as to why you're interested in this, you do realize that book came out almost a decade ago right?
In fact, the book has been out for look like that Neil wrote a follow up book, called The Truth which I would highly recommend you reading if you think that this subject matter is going to increase your chances with women. Here's how he felt about his previous book and lifestyle:
>This is not a journey that was undertaken for journalistic purposes. It is a painfully honest account of a life crisis that was forced on me by my own behavior and its consequences.
>"As such, it requires sharing a lot of things I'm not proud of—and a few things I feel like I should regret a whole lot more than I actually do. Because, unfortunately, I am not the hero in this tale. I am the villain."
Anyone that is, right now in 2022, listening to this type of advice is really only taking advice from grifters who are making money selling you PDFs and videos of antiquated tactics which any girl with the correct amount of emotional intelligence, is going to avoid you at all costs thinking that the "iconic" Mystery Method is going to work.
I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise, I'm just stating the facts here and what is currently happening is, you are lost, looking for advice, which I get it that happens.
But understand that anyone nowadays that is aligned with the PUA genuinely doesn't care about you, or honestly even cares if their mythologies and advice actually work. They just want you to keep signing up for their classes, see you fail, choose to blame yourself for not doing it right (never mind the fact that you're trusting someone in 2022 that unironically calls themselves "Mystery") and will only cause you to ask others for advice or resort to doing more research into PUA and other classes and other tactics. Which 9/10, involves you paying them or dedicating your time and energy towards their strategies.
Which, by the way... remember, it's been ten years since this stuff was popularized, and spoiler alert: ten years is a lot of time to have society change. To give you a frame of reference, this would be like me (in my 30's) decided to go and look up dating advice from the 90's to help me date in the 2000's. So much stuff has changed, evolved and brought to light which makes it so that a lot of this advice isn't pertinent anymore, and the only ones who do choose to still listen. Are either desperate, are selling you something, or haven't properly dated enough to realize how incorrect a lot of these tactics are
I think you trying judge me on my short query I have asked this question just to clarify my options. I have been around dating community on the internet for a while. Is this book somehow related to this or this? I will read it if it has something different. At this point of my life I take women easily I have been through several girlfriends without any pains or issue. But right now I am more focused to handle my career.