Back on Fathers Day I asked if I could order some hooks and hang a few of my antique rifles up, I was expecting an argument and to my surprised she said sure, go head! I think it turned out pretty nice, and I might try redoing it and seeing if I can get 5 or 6 rifles up on the wall. I own 6 antique rifles (5 of them being blackpowder cartridge rifles) and would be neat to display all of them.
(And incase anybody is wondering what the other rifles are: Mauser 1871/84, Swiss Vetterli 1871, and a Danish Rolling Block 1876.
Hanging on the wall:
Austrian Werndl - Steyr 1868
British Martini Henry Mk II - Enfield 1872
French Lebel - Saint-Étienne 1890 (With rare trench/mud cover!) Video about it
Top of the bookshelf:
Experiment and Trial (Very, very, cool book, defiantly in the top 5 books that he has recommend!)
The Great War: July 1, 1916: The First Day of the Battle of the Somme
Chassepot to FAMAS: French Military Rifles, 1866 – 2016
Leaning against the booksshelf is British BSA 1906 SMLE No 1 Mk I*** Attached to the rifle is a very nice example of a P1903 bayonet dated 1906, along with an original 1916 leather sling.
The weird metal device leaning against The Great War is actually a WWI British No 2 wire cutter that attaches to SMLE and Ross rifles, dated 1917.
On the first shelf is an Austrian proofed 1917 C96 Mauser
On top of the safe is a Norwegian M58 helmet and a British P1903 bandolier that was used by the Royal Ulster Constabulary police force (goes with my No 1 Mk I*** as it was also issued to the Irish in the early 1920’s)
Shelf above the computer:
The Lee Enfield collector edition
An original hooked quillion P1907 bayonet manufactured by Enfield, dated October 1908, with the original early patterned of scabbard (internal nose cap)
British Mills No 5 grenade dated 1915
WWI rifle grenade cup for the SMLE
British No 36 Mk 1 grenade Dated 1917 which also has the gas check plate so that it can be fired out of the grenade cup
WWI British brass oiler
On top of my book shelf is some 7.63mm ammo and a British No 7 Mk 1 bayonet
As for my book collection, I could almost rival Ian Mccollum's. What I don’t have my father has. If we put out two collections together we would probably be close to what Ian has.
Whoa pretty awesome. Reminds me of this book