It was an objectively bad poem, filled with clichés and neoliberal clap-trap about American exceptionalism, unity, etc. I've spoken to a few friends about this. They all agree, but are too afraid to say anything on social media for fear of backlash.
But Gorman has a pretty sweet grift going on. She just started a preorder for a forthcoming book of poetry that's gonna come out in September 2021. Gotta strike while the iron is hot...
I've already pre-ordered her book. You can too.
Book for those interested
Amanda Gorman has a new poetry book coming out named after her poem, The Hill We Climb.
The Sight and Sound 250 was updated last in 2012 and as this indicates 15 movies from the 2000s made the list:
Three films from 2011 made the list and it seems like the one of those that will definitely be a classic is The Tree of Life. Unfortunately I consider that movie well made simplistic religious pablum.