The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein > Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries and legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket.
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein > Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries and legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket.
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein > Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries and legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket.
You should read Norman Finkelstein's work on the Holocaust Industry:
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein > Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries and legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket.
Your assumption that Israel speaks for all jews is quite funny.
Anyway you don't have to take my word for it: Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing of Palestinians long before the Holocaust, Israel is exploiting the holocaust, and here's a lovely book for you to read:
Everything you know about Hitler and WWII is conditioned into you by a joint government-corporate-academic military grade psychological operation that's been running almost continuously since the end of the war. It ramped up big time in the 70's.
What's funny is that Spencer didn't salute at that event. He raised a glass of whiskey. Every shot the MSM uses is a pulled back phone camera behind someone's head. There are many other cameras at the event though and he's clearly just raising his glass. Several attendees at the event did salute, the cold calculating intellectual and political powerhouse Tia 'Tequila' was one of them, and I can assure your her and the others had not the faintest idea about fascism and national socialism and were just doing it to be edgy.
Your post also seems to assume we are offended to be linked to Hitler and the national socialists. Many in the alt right are not. Many of us are are unabashed 3rd positionists (aka as fashists or national socialists). The 3rd positionist wing of the alt right strongly dissuades nazi paraphernalia, especially at public events. You can be confident that anyone with a big swastika flag is a spook. For example nobody knew who the fuck this guy was.
The dissident community isn't afraid to seriously look at the source history and the context of what Hitler did and what he was fighting for. If you were to truly explore what really went on during both wars and how the family and tribe that shall not be named manipulated and orchestrated them you'd probably change your tune about Hitler. Instead most people allow their opinion to be shaped for them by slick manipulation of consensus. I could show you several examples of these public consensus manipulation events but it would bump up against rule 6. The Phillip Rushton Suzuki debate is one example.
Norman Finkelstein hat über das Thema sogar ein Buch verfasst mit dem Namen: The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.
Es geht da quasi darum wie der Holocaust seit Jahrzehnte für politische Zwecke missbraucht wird. Immer wenn berechtigte Kritik statt findet, schreien Hardliner wie Netanyahu/Ariel Sharon "Antisemitismus", damit sie fröhlich mit ihrem Genozid in Palästina weitermachen können.
Die größten Antisemiten sitzen in der Regierung die das Leid ihrer Vorfahren für eigene Zwecke missbrauchen.
Die Tatsache, dass die Araber überall den Glauben verteilen, dass alle Muslime Brüder wären aber gleichzeitig die Palästinenser so im Stich lassen ist auch das perfekte Beispiel wie die Religion für politische Zwecke missbraucht wird.
Die gesamte Region, nicht nur Israel, gehört boykottiert und mit Sanktionen belegt aber der Westen macht halt nie etwas gegen die Hauptverbreiter des Salafismus/Wahabismus wie Saudi Arabien, Qatar, Algerien und Co.
>Motte: this is about Jews
This is obviously about Jews. The alternative hypotheses seem to be:
This $100 million + development at a UNESCO World Heritage site is just a vanity project by a small number of rich donors.
This project is just a cover for the real goal: to increase Westminster security provisions, and this project is just an "exotic way" to do that.
My favorite theory from the above article- that this project is just a way for the British government to psychologically distance itself from continental Europe as a symbolic justification for Brexit:
>Dreyfus thinks that the memorial needs to be read in the context of the Brexit referendum: "The memorial functions for the conservative governments that initiated and proposed to realize it as a sort of justification for Brexit: Look, it says, what happened in Europe back then — a Europe that Britain is not a part of."
It's pretty amazing the lengths people will go to avoid the most plausible hypothesis:
This project is about enshrining the Jewish ethno-religious narrative called "The Holocuast" to a position of centrality in Western consciousness and civic life.
Rather, this project is not about enshrining that narrative. It's more of a commemoration that this has already been accomplished, more akin to the Roman Triumph.
Were the Roman Triumphs "vanity projects?" Not really, they were important ethno-religious, symbolic rituals that had an intended psychological impact on the people. The psychological impact of this memorial at this site is well-understood and intended by the UKHMF Board which hand-picked this site, despite it not even being considered a candidate site by the commission's report.
Even in this thread we find confirmation of the widespread belief that the alleged gassing of millions of Jews in gas chambers is the most important event in human history. The Holocaust has been explicitly and consistently defined as a uniquely Jewish experience by scholars and advocates alike.
As if it were not clear enough that this is indeed about Jews, the memorial itself will consist of 23 large bronze sculptures explicitly created to represent Jews.
>Motte: Building Holocaust monuments can literally be considered an industry.
In the US, museums devoted to the Holocaust comfortably outnumber the number of museums dedicated to the World War that encompassed it. The vast catalogue of Hollywood films produced about the Holocaust practically constitutes its own genre, with IMDB providing a list of The 50 Most Moving Holocuast Films. This catalogue stands against a paltry catalogue of explicitly Christian films, with the most prominent exception being The Passion of the Christ, which Mel Gibson was forced to personally self-fund.
Many billions of dollars in reparations and extortion have been extracted from European governments and banks by international Jewish organizations, such as the World Jewish Congress shakedown of Swiss Banks.
But I didn't coin the term "Holocaust industry", Norman Finkelstein did in his excellent work, The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering:
>In his iconoclastic and controversial study, Norman G. Finkelstein moves from an interrogation of the place the Holocaust has come to occupy in global culture to a disturbing examination of recent Holocaust compensation settlements. It was not until the Arab–Israeli War of 1967, when Israel’s evident strength brought it into line with US foreign policy, that memory of the Holocaust began to acquire the exceptional prominence it has today... Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries and legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket.
This government-funded Holocaust memorial only the most recent, but perhaps one of the boldest, manifestations of what Finkelstein calls the Holocaust industry. The notion that this is about the vanity of a small number of donors, or about Westminster security, or psychologically vindicating Brexit, are all wrong. This is about Jews and part of an international effort that has enshrined the Jewish experience in WWII as the most important event in human history.
Anything related to Jews and considered anti-Semitic or against Jewish interests.
Stuff like Culture of Critique. Already taken down by Amazon. It had amazing reviews, and averaged around 4.5-5.0 "Superbly documented and revelatory. The most important book combining ethology, evolutionary theory, and politics of the second half of the 20th century - indeed, one of the most important books off the second half of the 20th c., full stop."
Stuff by Ron Unz.
The book the Holocaust Industry The book the Israel Lobby, written by two Harvard professors
Nobel laureate Solzhenitsyn wrote a book about Jews in Russia, 100 Years Together, that few dare publish.
Roosh V, as a proponent of mens rights, questioned Jews and feminism, and promptly had books deplatformed from Amazon. He was banned from the UK. Books along the lines of Bang, Bang Ukraine, etc.
Check lectures by Michael E Jones. A Catholic that calls out "Jewish influence."
Check videos of Alex Jones talking about "globalists", which some say is a codeword for Jews.
If you really want to combat censorship try to find videos that Youtube is about to take down. People keep trying to get the truth out and censors keep taking it down. Look at videos listing 109 countries Jews were kicked out of, as an example.
Try to guess the religion of the people usually taking these things down, and not giving people the chance to defend the truth of their work or statements.
Remember, feminism is a Jewish movement: ...there's much more to say, if the censors don't get you first!
Be very very careful going against Jewish interests. This is one of the most censored topics.
Stuff like Culture of Critique. Already taken down by Amazon. It had amazing reviews, and averaged around 4.5-5.0
Stuff by Ron Unz.
The book the Holocaust Industry The book the Israel Lobby, written by two Harvard professors
Nobel laureate Solzhenitsyn wrote a book about Jews in Russia, 100 Years Together, that few dare publish.
Roosh V, as a proponent of mens rights, questioned Jews and feminism, and promptly had books deplatformed from Amazon. He was banned from the UK. Books along the lines of Bang, Bang Ukraine, etc.
Check lectures by Michael E Jones. A Catholic that calls out "Jewish influence."
Check videos of Alex Jones talking about "globalists", which some say is a codeword for Jews.
If you really want to combat censorship try to find videos that Youtube is about to take down. People keep trying to get the truth out and censors keep taking it down. Look at videos listing 109 countries Jews were kicked out of, as an example.
Try to guess the religion of the people usually taking these things down, and not giving people the chance to defend the truth of their work or statements.
Remember, feminism is a Jewish movement: ...there's much more to say, if the censors
There are some answers to your questions in this book:
That interview makes it incredibly clear that Dershowitz is a lawyer above anything else - and as Finkelstein says, this is why lawyers have a bad reputation. The most damning part, I think, is the discussion of Dershowitz's two-order-of-magnitude error in the number of arabs who fled in 1947-48 (33:38). That's just plain poor scholarship, and it seems that Dershowitz's citation directly contradicts his claim. In response, Dershowitz dismisses this error because it weakens the evidence for his claim rather than strengthening it. But he still made a serious factual error in his book, which would be mortifying for any serious scholar. Yet the only thing he seems to care about is employing lawyerly rhetorical techniques to deflect and deny.
Apparently Dershowitz put up an intense campaign against Finkelstein's application for tenure at DePaul, seemingly in response to this controversy (see /u/e40's comment on this post for a link). That is shocking. Here is a fascinating discussion with Noam Chomsky concerning this debate. I didn't know much about this before, but it's just outrageous stuff. It makes me want to read Finkelstein's book more than anything else, actually. Looks pretty interesting.
EDIT: added links to e40's comment, Amazon
Who said anything about not sympathizing with innocent civilians. The “people” the article is focused on are part of a specific terror organization, that aligned themselves with Hitler. I sure as fuck don’t sympathize with the Mufti? So why the fuck would I sympathize with the Lehi? If you support any type of ethnic cleansing you can get fucked. Nothing hypocritical about it.
Also intriguing that the PM of Israel tried to pin the Holocaust on the Palestinians, as mentioned in the first article you linked. Weird parallel to what Abbas said about Jews. Pretty pathetic that both the Israelis and Palestinians are trying to pin the Holocaust on one another to further their own agendas.
Almost like Norman Finkelstein’s assertion that the Holocaust is often used as a political tool to delegitimize criticisms of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is accurate. Great read to understand various other viewpoints.
>> No, Haganah formed the IDF, Irgun just agreed to give up their separate group and join in.
I find it peculiar that you chose to ignore the Lehi in that sentence even though it’s known that many of its unity were incorporated into the IDF. Not to mention the terrorist nature of Irgun, whom they split from and even worked while committing various atrocities like the Deir Yassin Massacre. Attacking a village that had historically been friendly with their Jewish neighbors, and raping and mutilating em? Or how about the Haganah that committed various acts of terror which included murdering Jews as they left synagogues for attempting to make peace with the Arabs.
I wasn't comparing them. I'm talking about people's right to exist as sovereign ethnic groups and the constant double standards perpetuated by those that seem to be just parroting ad nauseum without a thread of unique critical thought.
Side question:
Is anything comparable to the holiest of holy 'ethnic cleansing' of jews from western europe?
I have yet to engage an NPC who can think outside of that dogmatic notion. And I have yet to engage an NPC who can reconcille the fact that no other historical event in history has to have laws to defend it and an entire industry to keep it alive.
Are you out there real humans? Join us.