Will do, and thanks for the recommendation. One in return, just because I think you may find it interesting (And also because I don;t like to leave recommendations unreciprocated), "The Holographic Universe", by Michael Talbot. :)
You know, I’ve thought something similar for a while…
It’s really amazing to hear others think it too. Something I’m reading right now that really supports the idea is the book:
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I thought The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot was a great read.
Fritjof Capra (Tao of Physics) and Gary Zukav could be worth checking out as well. And of course Terence McKenna (The Archaic Revival) :) and Ram Dass (Be Here Now)
"Hologram plates have nothing to do with the principle of holographics universe."
Actually, they do - very much. This is a seminal work on the topic. Give it a read! It's not too complicated to digest and will give you a good explanation of the physics behind holograms and how they are used as a model for the universe.
Safe travels!
I would suggest a book called <em>The Holographic Universe</em> by Michael Talbot, it was a huge help to me a few years back on the science and spirit reconciliation. If it works for you I don't see any problem with cutting out the spiritual (woo-woo not necessarily development of spiritiual self) stuff, as schools such as Chaos magick tend to do the same with good results.
I felt like that kid (woman?) was just going along saying "yeah" and "right" while the whole time was thinking "I have no idea what's going on" haha
anyways, I agree with the holographic idea of the universe, this book was a great read https://www.amazon.com/Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Theory-Reality/dp/0062014102/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1472664291&sr=8-2&keywords=holographic+principle
Fine article on a fascinating subject. I reckon you are familiar with Talbot's book (http://www.amazon.com/The-Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Reality/dp/0062014102) and Copenhaguen interpretation of quantum physics & Bell's theorem. After years of reading, I see now hua yen visionary ontology as the only system that can fully integrate all this. Tu-Shun treactise on the Darmadhattu, or Fa-Tsang's "Golden lion" are beautiful mixing of contemplative mystics and analytical approach. Go for that, you won't be disappointed.
sauce on book Tirico was referring to
The book he is referring to is The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
This is also used as an example of the concept of implicate order in "holographic universe" theory. Great book for anyone interested:
It seems we're very similar. So, the findings of David Bohm were particularly effective to me. Recently, quantum physics has realized that the line between the "observed" and "observer" is not as distinct as once thought. What I've noticed is that what we observe and perceive is fundamentally determined by what we expect to see. The Holographic Universe is a great book on this subject. Also, Carl Jung's discoveries of the consensus, or collective consciousness (or sub-consciousness) helped me identify why it's not so easy to manipulate reality on my own. The Holotropic Mind is one I'm reading now and has helped me understand better the role sub-consciousness plays in the explicate order of things.
Energy is always shifting. And we are always shifting realities depending on our frequency.
But there are infinite realities. You choose where to place your awareness. And what you chose to observe becomes real. So you are in fact creating your own prison with demon guards.
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_wise_monkeys
nothing is lost, unless you choose to lose. you decide your energy, frequency, vibration and reality and what enters it.
Great book! The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot is in a similar vein... And The Dancing Wu Li Masters.
My first thought is https://www.amazon.com/Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Theory-Reality/dp/0062014102
But not what you mean I am guessing. And not the Max Headroom thing either i suppose.
I really enjoyed the book <em>The Holographic Universe</em>. I completely agree that Haramain is a crackpot.
Well the most likely way the planets could affect anything, would be in the different gravitational configurations they form as they move. Somehow that creates a kind of consciousness-affecting "weather pattern" on earth, where certain emotions/personality traits are emphasized and certain types of events are more likely than others. What's the mechanism? Well if you believe that galaxies or the Universe could have their own form of consciousness (I've lost you here, haven't I) and we exist in some kind of "field" of consciousness (as every native/shamanic culture believed) then the gravitational fields could have a lens-effect, acting as a prism, either filtering out or strengthening certain "wavelengths" of the overall Consciousness field here on earth.
I could go on in this vein, but I'll just say that I believe we live in both a Holographic Universe and an associative Universe, and possibly even a quantum computer or any number of things we can't even imagine.
At one point I thought maybe the gravitational fields might influence personality by affecting Meiosis, but that wouldn't explain how they also affect world events at any given time (and that's what Astrology has mostly been used for throughout history, determining the best time to do something, like start a war).
I am a bit scared to ask this, but here it goes..
Hi! I am a 24 year old male, possibly suffering from ADD/ADHD (not proven, but I've had many symptoms in my life). I have a hard time even reading easy and light books, and have dismissed the thought of ever getting a degree just because of the amounts of work and reading I will never be able to do on command.
That said, I am hugely interested in physics. I don't know much, but space and the vastness of it has always fascinated me. One of the earliest memories as a child of what I wanted to be when I grew up was, no joke, to be the first person to enter a black hole. Most of my life I have laughed about this, thinking it was cute and nothing more, but recently with my discovery of the universe is a hologram theory, this has gotten me extremely excited and interested. Black Holes has always fascinated me, even as a child of merely 3-4 years and I want to learn more.
I am not interested in a degree, or anything related to this, I just want to know more. I want to have more information. Where do I begin?
Is there any books that's (preferably not children's books, but I accept that beggars can't be choosers) will introduce me to many important elements of the physics world, which will help me (over time) learn more about the principles of physics, and make me understand more about the universe in general?
It's hard for me to find something to be passionate about, and I am really excited to give this a try, if for nothing else than just to prove to myself that I can in fact read a book that is not Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
This was really drawn out, and I appologize, I just wanted to try to paint a picture of me, and how lost I am coming to this subreddit, but still want to learn and understand. It would be so great for me to could actually have a conversation about this with someone sometime, just because of how genuinely interested I am in the subject.
http://www.amazon.com/The-Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Reality/dp/0062014102 This is a book I have found that I really want to read, but I am a bit afraid that just jumping into it I might not understand much at all, terms and ideas which is probably basic for someone who has dwelled in physics before, but may seem like greek to me.
Crossing my fingers that this is a helpful and great subreddit!
Also, please excuse me if some sentences and words are out of place, my english, while not horrible, is not my first language. Thanks for your time!
Battlestar Galactica, for a show.
Film? Recently, Snowpiercer was surprisingly good. Other stuff ... Eyes Wide Shut, [+Kubrick in general] Samsara, Waking Life, The Fountain, Contact, etc.
And here's two good books:
Michael Talbot wrote a book about this many years ago. http://www.amazon.com/The-Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Reality/dp/0062014102
Got a book to recommend. Michael Talbot's The Holographic Universe Dr. Talbot bases his theory on the structure of the universe on the Holographic principle and brings up many ways he hypothesizes that NDE's/OBE's, as well as "Past Life Memories" are not necessarily our experiences, but are still materially a part of us. It puts an entirely new perspective on Lawrence Krauss' "We are stardust..." quote.
It should give you an interesting shift in perspective to the event listed here.
First off, all of these issues center on perspective; multiple theories may be right IMO. I'm not claiming this is how it is son. These are simply my thoughts/feelings on the matter. I'm not looking to get into a debate if what I say doesn't line up with your belief patterns.
1) Multiple vehicle types...
Imagine you have replicator technology or technology that can take something you imagine in your mind and create it in seconds. Imagine an engineer who can sit in a chair for a few minutes, basically building the look/feel/capabilities of a prototype in his mind while a radically advanced computer builds it in near-real time. Whether it's machines building atom by atom, or ones coupled to your consciousness and extrapolating from your creative power, construction/design is going to get faster and easier as we progress technologically.
If we anthropomorphize the situation; consider how artists enjoy expressing themselves. For economic reasons, a lot of us are forced to buy mass produced crap but we tend to customize and put our own touch to things. It's not that their technology is changing all the time; at least not like ours, but likely they are constantly being exposed to new creative insights as they come across/visit other civilizations. Consider how much 'creative potential' we have on Earth; then imagine that magnified by all the other stars and planets up there.
We also tend to constrict their methods of application to our manner of living. For instance, most families have a need for a two or three car garage... but if we had nano-scale replicators capable of re-arranging neutrons/protons/electrons at will; you wouldn't need that excess space. You wouldn't even need a car sitting in a garage when not in use.... you might be able to replicate a car (craft) when needed and then break it back down to pure energy when not needed.
2) "vehicles lit up..."
They do appear to have lights on them; this could be partially for safety reasons so no planes or craft fly into them. Although I feel they would easily have the means to avoid being struck by anything moving at such a slow speed. Let's also consider that the craft might be able to shift inter-dimensionally and vanish from our sight... perhaps the lights on the craft are to draw attention... it's not enough to convince a naysayer with 100% proof but it offers a chance for you to either believe/expand your mindset or disbelieve/stay in traditional mindset.
Consciousness is a major factor concerning UFOlogy or whatever you want to call it. If you study this stuff in-depth, it eventually leads to the study and understanding of human consciousness.
Side effects... the light itself; I like how MT Keshe discusses this:
In a nutshell, the craft are generating their own magnetic fields. The clashing of their magnetic field with the magnetic field of the Earth is what generates the friction, release of light. This friction can be low at times and result in a craft that is more visibile, but perhaps blurry or lacking in detail. When friction (energy) is stronger, it tends to emit a lot more light.
Keshe Interview 1:42 he is talking about this specifically...
3) "...why aren't they influencing/modifying our broadcasts?"
This goes way beyond typically UFO study. This gets into theories on the Universe and Spirituality. If you read the 'Convoluted Universe' series by Dolores Cannon; this all makes total sense. Not saying that in a sense of it, that's the proof, but the theory, the conceptual thinking process behind that question is discussed in great deal. If you believe it, all of the actions and weird mystery surrounding the UFO field will make sense to you.
4) "...singularity?"
Let's imagine the Universe is full of infinite possibility. Some advanced civilizations may have gone a more technological route... others may have upgraded their consciousness and spirituality instead. Imagine a civilization that has no need for technology... what if they had enough conscious understanding and control of their environment that they could manifest whatever they need by thought alone? What if they could teleport, bi-locate, manifest, all of it being based on mental thought... technology in that respect, would be the crutch. Civilizations traveling around via ships or UFOS would be considered crude (from their perspective).
Researching this subject will take you more into spirituality, human consciousness and the Universe. Holographic Universe is a great place to start...
5) How would they capitalize on discredited reports? Is it worth the investment? Not saying it's not possible... but if it's purely economical, then it's really a question on economic policies or subsequent political policy. I'm not even sure how to speculate on this one... there are many things I could ramble about.
6) cloaking... camo
This ties back into understanding why they are here in the first place. What if it's a soft form of disclosure? What if the craft are constantly there... cloaked or in a dimensional frequency (EM band) that we cannot detect with our human senses... occasionally they are de-cloaking and helping to maintain an aura of mystery. It causes some people to look upwards and start thinking about 'bigger questions'; and it causes others to stare down at their feet. They might be subject to certain galactic or Universal law that limits their ability to meddle/influence another civilization.
We can speculate all day on this and everyone is going to have their own opinion, based on their line of study. Everything I've just brought up is how I feel about it. It doesn't mean it's the truth. I'm constantly reading new material and taking new perspectives into account.
The best advice I can offer to anyone who is curious about UFOs... look beyond UFOs. There is a lot of content that is focused on the physical nature of UFOs, on whether or not they are real or fake. The more I studied over the years, the more other areas of study came to the forefront, such as quantum physics, ether physics, space/time & time/space understanding, sacred geometry, dimensional theory, holography universe theory, electric universe theory, consciousness, spirituality and on and on...
If you don't read and study these topics, trying to understand UFOs is like trying to understand a computer (if you've never interacted with them) and only talking about mice and trackballs. If you're stuck on the level of debating 'input devices', how could you wrap your head around a software program, a GUI or the internet? It would be very hard to grasp those concepts at that stage in your studies.
Studying all those other topics has helped me tremendously in developing my personal, unified understanding of UFOs/ETs.
If you have a genuine interest in UFOs (which may be why you're in this sub-reddit), perhaps spread out your reading/studies and look into some of these other topics and how they relate to one another. I initially had no belief in these additional topics, but once I started to understand them, it really expanded my perspective on a ton of things. Doesn't matter where you start, I just jumped around reading different books.
Everybody's process is a little different, some people don't have the time/energy/desire to ready or study on their own. If you do read some stuff, I'd start with that book the Holographic Universe.
Hey man, what a well written response. Appreciate you, your tone, and your candor.
My evidence, stems from research done by people like Rick Strassman and Michael Talbot primarily promoting the idea of nonlocality based universe.
In addition I have lots and lots of anecdotal evidence as to my experience, and various others. Obviously this doesnt count for anything though.
I would say a good start to get into pier reviewed research would be to start with Michael Talbots paradigm shifting book, The Holographic Universe. I myself am not as eloquent as you, so i like to leave it up to the titans and pioneers that can summarize it much better. Strassman also had a book he wrote based off his government funded research called Inner Paths to Outer Space
A fantastic source for pier reviewed "fringe' science would be the show/podcast Thinking Allowed. A lot of scientific titans have been on this show, from Michael Talbot, to John C Lily, to Terence McKenna, to Robert Anton Wilson, and many more. You can also find the newer show over here.
Appreciate you, wish i could offer a better response, but at least you got a few good resources. Keep inquiring bruv!
Categorizing this book as spiritual is subjective, but I recommend it to anyone questioning their reality.
I've had good luck with Alan Watts (yeah, cliché I know, but he is good fun to read), Michael Talbot's <em>The Holographic Universe</em>, and Stanislov Grof's <em>LSD: Doorway to the Numinous</em>.
EDIT: Talbot refers to David Bohm quite a bit. Never checked him out but I think he has some rather interesting ideas about the nature of reality, from a quantum mechanical perspective. Still have to look into this.
Oh i see what happened. This article doesn't necessarily mean that the brain creates the mind, all its saying is that healthy functions of the mind come from a healthy brain. This is saying nothing on the origin of actual consciousness, something that is not answered yet. We don't know how they brain functions fully and don't really know what consciousness is either. Like Deplected said, our mammalian brain is functioning at a certain energy level, or frequency, that the Universe knows how to tap into for functionality.
There is more and more evidence that being alive means much more than we previously realized. What are we? What are we made out of? Is the Universe particles or waves? Yes. Is consciousness from our material mind or energy permeating from the universe? Yes.
It's actually a hologram.
You do seem to have a hint of arrogance to you. You also got upvoted so I’m sure you are confident. I don’t think you’re a shill, I just think you’re doing the millennial thing by hanging ‘it’s trash’ on something.
Pray-tell, you’re saying OP is creating a ‘word salad,’ but maybe you just can’t keep up?
>Prereq: The background to understanding this perspective is a holographic Universe, one where morphic fields play a role in understanding cosmological evolution and creation. When we think about water, the first thing we think of is it's vital to life. However, we also think of it as just an inert liquid that just so happens to be vitally important for chemistry - thus biology makes use of it. But really, why is it so important and ubiquitous in biology? It's not an 'accident of chemistry' that it just so happens to work for what the body needs, and unified physics is beginning to help us understand the true magic of water. We know that 70+% of the brain is water, and >60% of the body is water.
Where exactly is the ‘word salad?’
Also, have you read <em>Holographic Universe?</em>