The best option is Amazon; other sites will have the same price around it but they won’t include the shipping price until you check out. As for Amazon, if you have prime it’s free shipping.
Best one is the one you'll read.
The King James Version, while being highly influential on the English language, isn't recommended due to the language used being several centuries out of date by this point and most don't contain the deuterocanonical books.
The NRSV: CE and Jerusalem Bible both contain the full Catholic canon. The NRSV is controversial due to its use of gender neutral language. I've read portions of it and it doesn't flow well where the editors have stripped out non gender neutral language. I don't have any experience with the Jerusalem Bible but from what I understand, it was the source of the lectionary for Mass in the UK.
What's read at mass is a modified form of the New American Bible, which isn't a terrible translation but the footnotes in the latest edition are... controversial.
Personally, I read the Revised Standard Version, 2nd Catholic Edition. The translation has been thoroughly reviewed and it highly readable.
I'd go with the Revised Standard Version - 2nd Catholic Edition. It is my favorite version.
While approved for usage, I would also recommend avoiding the similar named New Revised Standard Version, as it is historically revisionist.
There are many that have been approved by the Church. A favorite in this subreddit (and my personal favorite) is the New Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition. Ignatius Press sells copies on Amazon.
I used this for my college classes and it’s still my daily driver. Ignatius Bible: Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition A very faithful translation, not as “Ye Olde” as the Duoay Rheims, but it doesn’t attempt to “sound modern”. It’s just a good literal translation.
Part of the difference between Catholic Bibles and others is that they will all at least have the Catholic Canon of Scripture declared at Trent, which has the Deuterocanon/Apocrypha in it (Tobit, Sirach, etc).
For a personal reading Bible I'd recommend the RSV2CE. It's a good translation that reads well and the notes contain verses from different manuscript traditions so that you're not missing anything.
Highly recommend getting something with the full 73 book canon. /u/ringgiver recommended the RSV below, and I'll second my preference for that translation as the one I use the most, though I lean toward the RSV-2CE to ensure the aforementioned full canon. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I'll say an extra prayer today for the newness of your journey!
So deeper study then? I suggest the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition then. This is a highly reccommended Bible that uses that translation. Though the NAB is used for Mass readings in the USA so make that of it what you will.
This is a Bible I commonly use and love it.
I'd recommend the RSV2CE. Very popular translation and I like how it sounds to read out loud.
Hello TheEvilAlex! Search google and find a local Catholic Church! Call them and ask to speak with a priest or the parish youth minister! Explain your situation and they will help you!
The best bible out there right now is the RSV:SCE from Ignatius! You can get the hardcover for under $20 here on amazon. You can download the bible for free on your iPhone/iPod/iPad here.
You don't have to sing the Psalms. Most people read them as poetry.
If you have questions, feel free to ask here or you can even text questions to 'Catholic Facts" a small ministry I run that answers questions about the Catholic faith. Our text line number is 810-37-FACTS.
It's not the Great Adventure Bible from Ascension, but Ignatius Press publishes the same translation (RSV2CE) in a more basic format:
The translation is also available on the free Truth and Life app:
You have the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE) Bible and it is pretty good. Also if you like more old style version than I recommend Douay Rheims Bible, even for me as a non native English speaker it's not that hard to understand it but I would say read it a little bit online to see if it suits you.
By the way now I remember that Ignatius press publishes RSVCE, you can check it here:
I suggest for a first time read (if one wants to sacrifice some accuracy for some readability the New Living Translation, or even better the New Living Translation Catholic Edition) (for example NLT CE REGULAR (BONDED LEATHER) - Joy of Gifting)
If you do not want to sacrifice accuracy but still want a good and quite readable bible and you are willing to read a Catholic bible I suggest the Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition (my favourite english bible) (The Ignatius Bible: Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition: Ignatius Press: 8601419460274: Books)
A thought maybe you want a study bible? A bible with a lot of explanatory notes.
I left the Amazon links below. But, I thought about it and if I were buying a Bible as a gift for someone your age I would buy the Great Adventure Catholic Bible by Ascension Presents.
It is a great study Bible that helps you to understand how the different Bible stories fit together. It is like a Bible + Bible study + theology lesson all in one. It is also just a regular Bible, it just has lots of extras to help you connect the dots.
Great Adventure Catholic Bible
Ignatius Bible - RSV-CE USA Amazon
Ignatius Bible - RSV-CE CDN Amazon
The OSB is the only specifically Orthodox translation in English. I also like the Ignatius Bible.
I think our RCIA people were given Bibles, but maybe not (it's been many years since I attended as a "shill").
The Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (or the second edition) would be good if you're looking to buy one. They're usually abbreviated as RSVCE or RSV2CE.
You can also download one to your device, but it's probably going to be best and easiest to have a paper copy. If you're planning to join the Church, you should have your own Bible. If you're just attending RCIA out of curiosity, you should probably still have your own Bible, as it's a handy text to be able to refer to and study.
This is a really nice one for $28. There's also a soft cover version that's a little cheaper, but it only saves you $7 over the nicer binding.
Ignatius Bible
Also, it is important to know HOW to read the bible.
This is my favorite
I'm going to recommend this Bible:
Unfortunately, Catholic Book Publishing only has it in a giant print edition for now. However, the reason I still recommend it is because its a pretty good translation and the notes are orthodox and are inline with Catholic tradition, for the most part.
If you don't want that one because its giant print then I'd recommend the RSV-2CE by Ignatius Press, it's usually just called the Ignatius Bible. Here's an Amazon link:
The thing about the Ignatius Bible is that it has no commentary which may not be a bad thing. If you want commentary you could get the Ignatius Study Bible but it's currently only complete with the New Testament, the O.T. is still being published in separate volumes.
If you want an easy to read translation you can't go wrong with the New Living Translation or the Good News Translation. Both are available in a Catholic version and have the Deuterocanonical Books (Tobit, Judith, 1&2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and additions to Daniel and Esther). Just put into Amazon New Living Translation Catholic or Good News Bible Catholic and they should pop up. Once again, neither of these versions have commentary, and what notes they do have are just other words that could have been used instead of what they put into the text.
You could also get the New American Bible Revised Edition, which is a fine translation, but the notes aren't that great. I'd actually steer you clear of this one from now since you're coming back to your faith and the notes might hurt you more than help you. I mention it because in the U.S. (you may not be from the U.S. so excuse me for assuming) it's the most commonly used translation.
Here's another useful site with a bunch of different translations:
I'd recommend searching on there for the translations I've mentioned and see if you like any of them. Finally, here's a reading plan with the Deuterocanonical included:
One last bit of advice: start going to Mass sooner rather than later. Google for a Catholic Church near you and just go to one of the Masses at your convenience. Sit in the back if you feel uncomfortable and just observe what everyone else does and eventually you'll get the hang of it. If anyone approaches you, just tell them you're there to learn more about Catholicism and that you just wanted to see what Mass was like. Talk to the priest if you want and ask him questions. If, for whatever reason, you have a bad experience, or people are rude to you, just go to another parish. The Catholic Church is made up of people just like every other place and sometimes people can be assholes, but don't let a bad experience push you away from the Church. God has led you this far, don't let the people who run His Church get in between you and Him.
Anyway, happy Bible hunting! I'll be praying for you.
Is this an appropriate Catholic bible?
The two most highly recommended Bibles I've seen are the Orthodox Study Bible, and the RSV(that comes from Fr. Thomas Hopko). I use the "Ignatius Bible"
Douay-Rheims with Latin Vulgate. The Douay Rheims is basically the Catholic KJV, and it actually predates that translation in English.
The Ignatius Bible uses the RSV-CE and is one of the best Catholic Bibles out there. The RSV-CE is a really solid translation.
The Jerusalem Bible is the Bible that the Catholic Church uses in Ireland and the UK, so it'll be the one you're most familiar with if you attend Mass in the UK.
A linguistic question, is Belgian Dutch (Flemish) a proper language on its own or is more akin to a dialect of Dutch and one can converse with other Dutch speakers with ease and read and write in it with no issues?
Have you seen the Ignatius RSV CE 2nd edition standard (not study edition)?