"Huh, I haven't heard any NMS news lately, maybe I'll stop by the subreddit"
[clicks into /r/NoMansSkyTheGame]
So let me get this straight. No Man's Sky is delayed, and on hearing this news this subreddit apparently went completely insane, with one guy threatening to murder the Kotaku reporter, one person started harassing random Gamestops, a bunch of other people start bickering about how much Hello Games sucks and whether or not this is going to ruin everything.
I mean, honestly people, come on. In the end, it's a fucking game. Games get delayed all the time for various reasons. All of you who got time off in June just to play a video game surely were aware of that. Yes, it's disappointing. No, Hello Games is not responsible for you losing out on your vacation time. A lot of the responses here are just coming across as childish.
If you really cannot think of anything else to do this summer other than play No Man's Sky, I recommend going on a hike, checking out an old game on /r/patientgamers, taking a class, putting in some extra hours at work, spending more time with friends, taking a road trip, reading a book,, visiting some local museums...