All the spiritual new age stuff I've been paying attention to about arcturian/pleiadian channeled messages are about 5th dimensional consciousness currently. In other texts dimensions up to I think 12-13 were documented and experienced through DMT-meditative states.
The oneness kundalini awakening experiences I think may be 5th dimensional vibrational channel. Where perception is at the understanding that we are a collective consciousness (flow state morphogenic field) tapped and tuned into each other ex. Helicopter pilot/athlete share each other's skills downloading information from each other via quantum non-local entanglement (energy doesn't know distance/time) although linear physical plane experience seems so separate and linear our consciousness itself is multidimensional and we enter/activate that bio-neurocircuitry, accessed/activated through the heart magnetic field which in new age terms "higher mind" is used widely. Holistic perception of unconscious-subconscious-and higher mind. Research done by Heart Math institute called Global Coherence shows that we of course vibrate along with the humans resonance and are effected by geoelectromagnetic storms, 2012 was the age of Aquarius (heart consciousness awareness I guess, from what I observe.) And solar radiation has been increasing, transmuting DNA, our "junk" DNA 64 codons which about only 22? Are active at a time. This whole 2012 theme is of Ascension. Transmuting naturally physiologically-spiritually rather than technology which takes over biology. So basically I see transhumanism as a more left brain imbalanced head polarity consciousness route in fear of death, it doesn't know the pineal gland-right brain side of it, I see it as we're transcending into the light body, (check out Tibetan rainbow body documentary). Yogis could perceive entities/auras same as other mystics/native Americans because of shamanic ritual, alchemical, practiced etc. activating 12 DNA strands.
Related excerpt from Mike Hockney God series book: Imagine a domain of dialectical Platonic Forms (i.e. forms that are initially imperfect but are capable of evolving towards perfection), associated with every conceivable human activity such as flying a helicopter, driving a car, performing high level mathematics, sculpting, falling in love, composing a hip hop song, making a movie - you name it, every base is covered.
Now imagine that each of these Forms is an Aristotelian entelechy. It actively wants to perfect itself, to reach its omega point where its individual dialectical progression reaches its end. These Forms are teleological. They have a purpose, and a will to fulfil that purpose.
Each of these Universal Forms exists in the r = 0 domain outside space and time, but they are all connected to the r > 0 domain of particulars. Each Universal Form and its set of associated particulars constitute a system of Sheldrakian morphic resonance. So, for example, all helicopter pilots in the world are particulars of the Universal Form for piloting a helicopter. As a pilot learns to fly, he is in effect tapping into the Universal Form, and the better he gets the more he is a personal crystallisation of that Form. Each helicopter pilot (each "particular") feeds back to the Universal Form, and the Universal feeds back to them in a continuous, synergic feedback loop. So, any new trick learned by one pilot will be communicated back to the Universal Form and this will then update all the other pilots, who will all learn the new trick much more quickly than would otherwise have been the case (just as new generations of Sheldrake's rats get better at making their way through a maze, even if they have had absolutely no contact with any of the previous generation of rats that learned how best to negotiate the maze).
In other words, any activity you wish to undertake, no matter what (unless you are a groundbreaking genius), already exists as a dialectical Platonic Form available to your unconscious mind. You just need to tune into it like a radio station, pick up the signal and start channelling it. If you let your unconscious mind deal with it rather than your conscious mind (which always gets in the way), you will be able to master virtually any skill. Of course, getting your conscious mind "out of the way" is extraordinarily difficult."
Oh man you want to really know what's the purpose and design of humanity? Look up Dan Winter, a goldmine of synthesized formation about the purpose of DNA, our holofractal quantum reality,
The ancients such as KHEMET, Lemuria, Atlantis, were all more bicameral mind, balanced brain hemispheres, (combine advance sympathetic physics resonance technology, crystal technology) in a more collective state. If you do not understand the collective unconscious look up Carl Jung & Rupert Sheldrake on Morphic Resonance. Carl Jung on synchronicity as well. Here's a good website related: Recommend reading synchronicity here: - Gaia's-Earth brain - also collective consciousness connection
Related to 6th dimensions: Mike Hockney book:
Other related:
Earth matrix grid chakras: