> Do your own homework.
Well, I cannot answer questions for you:
Which of the ones you listed were not created or aided by government policies?
Are you arguing that libertarians are in favor of military empire?
What use is a progressive tax if it simply goes towards the very policies that cause the problems you rightfully illustrated?
> Try studying India under British rule.
It is your contention that the British government did not have a role in the British Raj?
> Read "imperial Cruise" by James Bradley.
Here is the overview of the book: “In 1905 President Teddy Roosevelt dispatched Secretary of War William Howard Taft on the largest U.S. diplomatic mission in history to Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, China, and Korea. Roosevelt's glamorous twenty-one year old daughter Alice served as mistress of the cruise, which included senators and congressmen. On this trip, Taft concluded secret agreements in Roosevelt's name.”
> Tyranny can be an entirely private endeavor.
Yet, you cite two government endeavors.
Just as I suspected would happen: You refuse to answer very simple questions regarding the claims you made.
My point still stands: According to you: A bunch of government actions has caused all sorts of problems. And libertarians are wrong, because they do not want the government to solve the problems that government caused?
Go read James Bradley's The Imperial Cruise, reviewed here. Then get back to me on TR's awesomeness. He was truly a racist, genocidal, dick-size compensator whose goal was to promulgate the false notion that he was a some rootin', tootin' good ol' boy. We are still dealing with his foreign policy disasters today.