The war in the Pacific was cast in stone much earlier. The Japanese were only guilty of exceeding the designer’s ideals. Read Teddy and associates cast the Japanese as the great liberating force for democracy and modernization against the feudal territories to the west of Japan. They did not understand who they were dealing with and what could come of it.
You aren't wrong. Madison was a shitty president. He allowed the First Bank of the United States to lose its charter rather than negotiate with his political opponents to tone down it's tight money policies that were holding the nation back. It attempted to continue its policies as a large private bank and might have succeeded if it had had more resources in addition to the wealth of the individual who bought it.
The loss of the financial services of a central bank were keenly felt during the devastating war that he was tricked into fighting by the French and that was waged so poorly that only the mistakes of Great Britain and it's desire to move off of a war footing and start to pay off the debts incurred defeating Napoleon allowed the US to escape without humiliating diplomatic repercussions.
Theodore Roosevelt was a good president domestically (at least for whites) being responsible for important national parks and starting regulation of trusts, furthering regulation of railroads, and mediating an important coal miners strike.
The downside of his presidency was his racist foreign policy. He continued the repression of Philippine independence, believing Filipinos incapable of self-governance. He encouraged the imperial aims of the Japanese who he regarded as more advanced than other Asians to the point where they were almost honorary Aryans.
This included failing to honor America's defensive alliance with Korea after encouraging Japan to conquer them. His desire to counterbalance Chinese and Russian power in Asia aided the rise of Imperialist Japan which soon expanded past his vision of their proper place in the world order and eventually led to the War in the Pacific. For a critical view of Roosevelt's catastrophic Asian diplomacy see The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War (Though don't expect an evenhanded evaluation. It's best read as a counterpoise to traditional filiopietistic histories.)
Read up. See "The Imperial Cruise" by James Bradley.
It fully documents Alice and her dad as white supremacists. She called Filipinos "our little brown brothers and sisters" and bestowed the title "Honorary White Men" on the Japanese. This wasn't an accusation but a statement of fact.